Chapter 30: Meetings and Dinner with friends.

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Starting the day super early Yoongi and I call room service and get ready for our day.
We sit to enjoy our food.
I quickly take my phone and send the guys a voice message.
"Good morning guys! Have you eaten? I hope you all have a nice day! Love youu" I say and press send.
"Do you know how many meeting we will be having today?" I ask. As I know that Ji Soo has been texting him all the details and plans for the week.
Sipping on his coffee he says. "You have a total 3 meetings. One is about the release day where you will do your face reveal. The second one is about the interviews you will be having and the third one will be over lunch to briefly go over the fan meetings."
I just stare at him proudly. High key impressed.
"And after Lunch?" I ask.
"We are free to do as we like" he informs me.
"I am impressed. Best assistant ever" I complement him.
Being his cocky self he just shrugs. Making a 'pshhh' sound.

I just laugh at his antics

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I just laugh at his antics.
Picking up my phone and I text someone I promised I would visit.

Me: Whats poppin biss!
Ji Yong-ah😎: Well Good Morning Sunshine😂. To what do I owe this wake up call.
Me:Im in Seoul. You said to visit you. The only time I will have free is after Lunch today😑
Ji Yong-ah😎: Dinner tonight? Let's say 7?
Me:Okay 7 it is. But I wont be coming alone. Can we go somewhere hybrid friendly.
Ji Yong-ah😎: Yeah I already had a hybrid friendly place in mind. I will be bringing my boys to meet you.
Me:OMG!!!😍😍 I cant waitt! I brought Yoongi-ah with me. I can't wait for you to meet him😁
Ji Yong-ah😎: Haha... Im looking forward to see you and to meet Yoongi.
I'll text you the restaurant and address later.❤
Me: Can't wait!! See you laters✌🏻❤

With a huge smile on my face I put my phone down and finish my food.
"What has you smiling this much?" Yoongi asks. A frown visible on his face. "Just talking to a friend who wants to have dinner with us tonight" I tell him.
"And who is this friend?" He asks.
I just smirk. "You will see. We should get ready to go"
Getting up I go back to the room and get. My things.
Yoongi walks in.
"The cab will be downstairs in 5 minutes" He says.
I quickly apply some lip tint, grab my phone, coat and purse.
"Do you have the card key?" I ask.
Making his way to the door he shows me he has it and we head out.

Reaching the publishing house we walk hand in hand. Digging through my purse I get my ID out. Walking to the front desk I show it to the receptionist.
"You can go right up" The receptionist says kindly.
"I also need to get an ID card for him" I say gesturing to Yoongi.
She looks at him as if finally realizing there is someone else with me. Rude much.She gives Yoongi a once over and says to him "You are not allowed here. You need to exit the building"
At this point I am fuming. "He is mot going anywhere, You need to do your job and get and ID card for him... Like Now" I say.
She makes a face. "And who he might be to need an ID card" she says with attitude.
Oh hell nah bitch!
"Excuse me, He is my assistant and if you want to keep your job I suggest you greet everyone that walks in through those door with kindness and respect" I sass.
She just looks at me shocked. She looks like she is about to say something when I hear."Y/n-ah!"
I turn to see Ji Soo making her towards us.
"You made it!" She says as she hugs me to death.
" Oh my and you must be Yoongi, It's so nice to meet you face to face and not over text or e-mail." she says.
Yoongi just nods.
Ji Soo extands her hand and Yoongi shakes it.
"It's nice to meet you too" He says.
"We should be heading up the meeting will start in a few minutes why are you guys just standing here" Ji Soo says.
I smile sweetly at her and say. " Well I was trying to get Yoongi his own ID card to get in the building" I inform Ji Soo.
She looks at me confused. "And what's the hold up?" She asks.
I smile even more at her question.
"Well, the lady here seems to have a problem with getting Yoongi his ID card. Im not sure why" I say faking confusion.
Ji Soo turns to the receptionist and gives her a dirty look. Im guessing she doesn't like this bitch. Girlll I feel yah.
"What part of he needs an ID card is hard for you to comprehend?" Ji Soo says in a stern tone.
The receptionist attitude is now gone and she looks shocked and scared. Good.
" B-but I-I thought...B-but h-he he is a..." The receptionist now stumbles on her words.
"But he's a hybrid? Hmm...yet he has a higher position than you in this company. And do you know who she is?" Ji Soo saya pointing my way.
I just stare at the receptionist in amusement while her face completely pales. Ji Soo continues. "She is a share holder in this publishing house as well as one of our biggest writers"
I bite my lip trying hard not to laugh. The chick looks like she ks about to shit a brick.
Obviously being done with the rude receptionist Ji Soo turns to the other receptionist and says " Please Take his picture and have his ID ready for him to pick up"
The new receptionist nod and looks at Yoongi. "Sir, Could you please fill this out and once you are done you come stand against this wall so I can take your picture"
Yoongi fills everything out and gets his picture taken.
The new receptionist says. "Sir, You can pick up your ID before you leave"
"Thank you" Yoongi simply says.
"We really should get going" Ji Soo says.
But before she walks away she turns to the rude receptionist and says "We'll be dealing with you later"
We make our way into the elevator.
"Yoongi-ah are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah im okay" he says giving me a reassuring smile.
I give him a hug and a light peck on his cheek.
"Awwww!! You guys are cute. And here I thought Y/n-ah was going to be single forever." Ji Soo says.
Yoongi chuckles.
Giving Ji Soo a dirty look "Shut up" I sag causing her to giggle.
For the next few hours we go through everything from fan signings to interviews to release the release party where a few fans will be attending.
After all that Yoongi and I head back to the Hotel to take a quick nap before going to dinner.

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