Chapter 22: Mine,Yours, Ours

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Waking up extra early I shower and get dressed.
Quickly I make my way to the kitchen and whip up some raspberry muffins for the guys. Pop then in the oven and get working on the coffee.
As the muffins bake and the coffee brews I go upstairs and wake the kids up and get them ready for school and daycare.
Once Soo-ah and Do-Won are dressed and ready. I make them a quick breakfast.

As I begin to clean up the table and put the dishes away 3very sleepy and disoriented hybrids walk in the kitchen.
"Good morning guys" I greet them cheerfully. I can't help it. Today is a big day! And it can go very bad or really f-ing good. I am hoping for the second one. Jimin walks up to me and hugs me snuggling me. While Namjoon sits by the kitchen island and Jin gets to work on breakfast. "Noona why are you up so early?" Jimin asks.
Kissing his forehead. "Oh snap. I completely forgot to tell you guys." I say. Remembering I have not informed them that they will be home alone all morning.
"Not me" Jin chimes in.
"You forgot what?" Namjoon speaks up.
"Well... I told Jin but I forgot to tell you guys that the kids will be going back to school today and I have to run a few errands all morning, I'll be back before lunch," I explain to them.
"Jinnie I made the coffee and there are raspberry muffins in the oven the timer is on so you will know when to get them out," I say walking to him and kissing his cheek.
Jimin begins to whine.
"Noona don't leave us" he pouts.
Putting my hands on either side of his cheeks I try to reassure him. "Sorry Love, but I need to do a few things. I'll be right back, promises." He nods still pouting.
Walking to Joonie I kiss him on the cheek.
Looking at the eldest I begin to give instructions.
"Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi are in charge. Jimin makes sure your younger brothers know this. Listen to what they say and stay out of trouble." They all nod.
"Joonie please try no to break anything" he blushed but nods.
"And if someone knocks on the door, don't open it. I am not expecting anyone and there are no packages to be delivered today" again they nod.  "Okay then have a good morning and I'll see you in a few hours." Hug each of them and get ready to leave.

Just having dropped off the kids I drive two towns over where the shelter is but also they have a huge Mall. I figured before I sign all the papers why don't I get the guys 'Welcome to the family' gift baskets. All personalized with things they like.

After getting Baskets for each and every one of them I go to Journey's to buy the guys some sneakers since they don't really have any shows that don't like they might fall apart any second. Thanks to Jin now I know their size of clothes and shoes.
Once I'm done with that I make my way to bed bath and body to get lotion and body wash because I have noticed that they all be stealing my lotion to smell like me. So I buy a sweet pea and strawberry lotion for each of them.
I also get them their own personalized mugs. I got Jin a pink and gold kitty one, Yoongi's says 'Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee. On second thought just don't talk to me' I thought it was so him. Tae's mug has a painting of Vincent Van Ghog. I got a narwhal mug for Jimin and a Ryan one for Namjoon. I got Jongkook an Overwatch one and for Hobi I got him a hope world mug. I also got them their own fluffy blanket, neck pillows, Notebooks, Pens videogames for the younger one's polaroid cameras, Cooking books and other books for Joonie also music books.

Reaching the Adoption Center. I make my way inside to the receptionist. "Hello how can I help you today" she greets me.
Smiling at her "Hello, I'm here to see Hani"
Recognition crosses her face. "Oh! You must be Y/n. She is making a few rounds but you can wait for her in her office. It's right through these doors 4th door on the left." She instructs me.
I thank her and make my way to Hani's office.
I'm waiting for 20 minutes when she walks in.
"Hey girl, sorry to make you wait." She hugs me.
"It's okay, I really don't mind at all. I know that you are busy" I reassure her.
"Okay so let's get down to business," she says and for the next hour, we fill out paperwork and get the boys in the system and put them as adopted. We also get them tags since I don't want to give them collars I get each of them a necklace and a bracelet. Can't also recommends me a Doctor for the guys and I make an appointment so that they can get a physical. We go through things that I should know about them and their heat. I get heat supplements in case they want to to take them, if not we can choose something else. I also got them hybrid toys And comfortable hats made for hybrids so that it won't hurt their ears.
After we finish everything Hani and I make small talk and plan a play date before I go home.
Walking out to the reception. The same girl from earlier says " All done?"
I chuckle. "Yeah, I'm all done. But I was wondering where do I go to make a donation?" I ask her.
She looks at me in shock. "You want to donate money?!"
I just nod.
She points at a red box against the wall and I make my way there. I take out all the cash I have in my bag and put it all in there. Walking away I wave goodbye and make my way home.

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