Chapter 12: Foods!!!!!!!!

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Hybrids p.o.v.

Once the guys were done with their shower and got dressed. They all gathered in Namjoon's and Hoseok's room, wanting to go downstairs together.
"It feels great to have a proper shower and clean clothes" commented Jin as they make their way to the kitchen.
The others agree with their hyung.
"It smells so good," says Hoseok as they follow the smell and the music.
Reaching the kitchen they are welcomed by the sight of lots of food but also Y/n and Soo-ah were singing and jumping around with wooden spoons as mics. more like screaming to the song.
"So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby!
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here!"
Whipping their hair around. They looked really funny. And even Do-won was making sounds and banging his little fists on his tall chair.
The hybrids were trying not to laugh out loud some would bite their lip and others covered their mouths with their hands.
When y/n finally notices their presence she eminently turns off the music.
Soo-ah sees the hybrids.
"Guys! Did you see us dancing? What did you think?"
The 7 hybrids murmur a few "good" and "very nice".
Looking at y/n they see that she is blushing.
With pleading eyes and flushed cheeks, she says " Please forget what you just witnessed"
They all nod. Hypnotized by her cuteness.
Leaving the hybrids with one thought in their minds. Y/n what are you doing to me?

Y/n p.o.v

Oh My God! Noooooo!
They saw!
This is so embarrassing.
"Ummm...the food is ready but could you guys help me set the table?" I ask.
Stepping up Jin "Sure, what can we do?"
I let them know where cups, utensils, and plates are.
"Taehyung, could you and... " I trail off looking at the panda.
J-jimin my name is Jimin" he answers.
"I'm so sorry I don't know all of your names. How rude of me. I just know Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, and Jimin."
Shaking his head Namjoon says "It's our fault for not properly introducing ourselves." Looking at the other hybrids who's names I don't know. He says. "Guys introduce yourself"
The fox steps up giving me a warm smile."Hello Y/n I am your hope, your angel, Hoseok. Thank you for inviting us to stay with you"
I giggle at his cute introduction."You are very welcome Hoseok"
"H-hi n-noona" i look to the bunny who is hiding behind Jimin.
I wave at him. So cute!
"M-my name i-is J-jungkook...but you c-can call m-me Kookie"
"Well...Taehyng, Jimin, and Kookie could you guys go to the garage?  It's that door over there" I point to the big white door. "there is a fridge there and its filled with drinks. Could you get drink for everyone? Please?"
They nod and quickly go to complete their task. I want to hug them is bad!
I turn to the white tiger who is watching me. "Hello," I say.
He rolls his eyes at me. "Name is Yoongi" 
And walks away.
With the help of everyone, the food is all set in the table.

 With the help of everyone, the food is all set in the table

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With food on everyone's plate, Soo-ah and I begin to dig in.
I go to feed Do-won when I notice that they were not eating.
"What's wrong? Do not like it? I can make you guys something else" I say jumping from my seat. Ready to get back in the kitchen.
"No, it's not that," says Hoseok.
"Then what is it? Are you guys on a no carb diet?"
They all look at me like they are not sure what to do with me.
"It's just that with our old master we weren't allowed to eat until she was done"  Taehyung says lowly.
I can't help but get a little mad. Not at them but the bitch who treated them like that.
Sitting back down. I look at each and every one of them.
"Well... She's not here. And I am definitely not her. You are guests here and equals so please dig in before your food gets cold"
At that they were to eat I hear a few moans and some tails swaying in content.
The rest of the meal consists of Soo-ah talking about what movies we would watch after dinner.
I was happy to see them enjoy my food.
When I noticed their empty plated I asked "Would you guys like seconds?"
They all looked shocked.
"C-could we?" Asked Jungkook.
"Of course there is plenty of food"
To say they were happy was an understatement.
Some of them even got thirds.

After dinner, I was getting ready to pick up the table and do the dishes when Jin stopped me.
"You cooked, we clean up," he said.
"B-but you are guests I can't have you clean!"
He shakes his head.
"As a thank you, plus you already have your hands full taking care of Soo-ah and Do-Won. Go give them a bath and we will take care of this" he says giving me a reassuring smile.
I nod and take the kids with me.
I smile at them. "Thank you, and when you are done wait for us in the living room so that we can watch a movie"
Walking upstairs to get these two ready for bed.

 "Thank you, and when you are done wait for us in the living room so that we can watch a movie"Walking upstairs to get these two ready for bed

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I caught a cold or something. But I was able to finish this chapter. Sorry  I'm gonna try n sleep this thing off. Idk when I'll post the next chapter. But thank you for all your support. It means a lot to me.

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