Chapter 8: Shop like you are getting ready for the apocalypse

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We spent almost 2 hours in the grocery store. Bought a little bit of everything from each aile. All the junk food, healthy food, and ice cream I could ever want.  Two and a half carts filled with food we are off to our next stop. Walmart.
Once there Soo-ah helps me pick out pajama pants and shirts for all of them.
Socks, underwear, and slippers.
I get all the bathroom necessities, like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner.
Since the kids were so good I bought them a new toy each.
As we are walking to the cash register. Ms.Wang pops out of nowhere. "That is a lot of things you are buying," she says eyeing my cart. This lady gives me the creeps. I have caught her a few times at the end of my driveway. She is too damn noise. Shrugging my shoulders "Just a few things" I say and keep walking.

Once we got home I made the kids something to eat. While they ate I put all the groceries away. It was a never-ending amount of food.
"Auntie, I'm done can I watch a movie?" Say Soo-ah as he hops off her chair.
"Yes love, wash your hands and I'll be right with you to put on a movie."
Putting on Monster inc on the tv.
Soo-ah curls up on the couch with her favorite blanket and I put Do-won on his rocking chair.
Going upstairs I set up the 4 guest bedrooms put the stuff in the bathroom.
I go to the storage room and get out my dads and brothers sweatpants, hoodies and sweaters. I put it all to wash.
I know I am getting ahead of myself. They might say no. Not it's not bad to be ready, you know. Just in case.
Going downstairs I sit with the kids and enjoy the movie while the clothes wash. As i sit there i try to think on when and how do i invite them over. They will probably think i'm crazy. Oh well... 

Short chapter.
How is it so far? Eh!

 How is it so far? Eh!

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