Chapter 28: Awaited Night

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It's finally Sunday night, the night that every student in all of the academies have been waiting for. The dance, all of them are in their suits and dresses and one by one they enter the ball room. Thanks to the room being larger, it was not really crowded so they have more space for their dance. Three people entered in the ball room and was greeted by Yang.

"Hey there guys, welcome to the dance! Oh! Look at you Y/N, being a gentleman rather than a cutie eh?" Yang teased him.

"You look as beautiful as ever, Yang." He said with a smile.

"Aww! Thanks, that's so sweet of you to say that!" Yang then hugs him making him sigh.

"This is gonna be a busy night... Do you have a date to be with tonight, Aster?" He asked his team mate.

"Yeah, I do. She's probably already here, so I'm gonna find her. I'll let you guys meet her later!" Aster leaves to find his date.

"How about you Nixium? Do you have someone as a date?" Yang asked her as she lets go of Y/N.

"Hm, nope. No one asked me, but I'm fine with that. I'll be around gathering all the donuts. See ya." She then leaves to do her own business.

"It's only been like twenty minutes yet look at it, there's already so many of us in the ball room." Yang said.

"I think this is most of us right now, I guess all of them are excited for this moment." Y/N said.

The door opens to see Ruby wearing a red dress. Both Y/N and Yang smiled at her appearance.

"That dress looks great on you, sis!" Yang complimented.

"These heels really hurt my feet! How does Weiss even survive in this?" Ruby said moving unusually due to the heels.

"You'll get used to it just like Weiss. By the way, you look wonderful in that dress, Ruby." Y/N said.

"T-thanks, anyway is Blake going to come?" She asked with a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"I don't know yet, but I do hope I was able to convince her. Didn't realize that she has been like that for past weeks." He said.

Blake and Weiss then enter inside, the three of them looked at them and smiled.

"Glad you ladies can make it, this event would be a waste if one of you is absent." Y/N said.

"You look great today, Y/N." Weiss said to him.

"Thanks, you as well the same goes to you Blake." He smiled.

"Hey guys." Jaune greets the five as team JNPR showed up.

"Y/N! I didn't notice that it was you!" Nora tackles him to a hug.

"Good evening to you too." Y/N said

"So where are the rest of your team, Y/N?" Pyrrha asked.

"The of them are scattered around here. Anyway, shall we get down there and enjoy the night?" He asked.

"Sure." All of them said.

They got down the stairs and stood on the dance floor. While they all decided to sit back or go somewhere else, Nixium along with her best friend spotted his cousin and decided to approach him.

"There you are! Here's your boyfriend, Neo! I'll let you two be alone right now so, bye!" Nixium walks away.

"You look great today, Neo." He said.

She smiled at him in response. The music then changes and Y/N gestured for her as a sign of offering a dance with him. She accepted it and the two of them began to dance. Emerald and Mercury arrived later, but Cinder is strangely not with them. The two of them decided to dance with each other to blend in with the crowd.

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