Chapter Four: Where Fun Will Begin

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The alarm clock started buzzing signaling us its time to wake up and get ready but neither me and Nixium got up. It continues to annoy us but we didn't move an inch.

Our eyes are still closed but our face began to turn into a frown, then she yelled.

"Y/N! Shoot it now!"

"I'm on it! I'm on it!" I yelled back.

I then grabbed my gun and shoot the freaking alarm clock which give us a satisfying not so loud explosion. The smoke is black and just traveling on the ceiling.

We continue to sleep with satisfied smiles on our faces. Until after a minute, we both sit up from our beds in realization.

"It's 6am!!"


3rd Person View

In the place where the dorms are every team are sleeping soundly at about the time of 6am. Team RWBY and JNPR are sleeping peacefully until they heard faint yelling.

They decided to ignore and went back to sleep, and then an explosion that is not so loud had been heard, causing some students including JNPR and RWBY to wake up.

"What the heck was that?!" Yang yelled as she jolt up from her bed.

"An explosion?" Blake said wondering.

"Unbelievable! Our first class hasn't even started yet and an explosion just ruined my sleep!" Weiss complained.

"How about we check it out?" Ruby suggested.

The rest of the team agreed and they all got up from their beds still in their sleeping outfits. They got out of their dorm and surprisingly, some students are all in the hall wide awake including JNPR.

"Did you guys heard the explosion too?" Jaune ask.

"Yeah, you know where it came from?" Ruby questioned.

"I don't know, but I think it came from one of the dorms." Pyrrha answered.

"Maybe someone has been cooking pancakes and cause an explosion." Nora said.

"Nora this is not the time to talk about pancakes." Ren said calmly.

Then suddenly a door open and two individuals came out of there running through the hallways, with their shared weapons and pancakes on each of their mouths. Causing all of the students including them to wonder in confusion.

"Wait........ Are those, Y/N and Nixium?" Weiss ask.

"So they're the ones who caused that explosion. But why are they all dressed up and carrying their weapons in so early this morning?"

"Let's check it out!" Ruby shouted making the other students hear and agreed.

Then all of them went back to their dorms to get change and started to search for where on Remnant are the L/N's.


Me and Nixium are running down the halls searching where Professor Glynda's room is while we eat our pancakes which are in our mouths.

"Hhrh, Y/N!" Nixium muffled through her pancake.

I ate my pancake first before talking her.

"Eat your food first before you talk again."

She slowly started to chew on her pancake until she swallowed it.

"How many times have we been training this early just so we can master our semblance?"

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