Holiday Special: Christmas

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Ahhhhh Christmas, one of the most wonderful events in every year. Where you get to receive presents from Santa but in reality it's only from your parents and the gift is not even worth it, feeling the cold snow that you will die when you stay there for too long and finally, to make an ugly snowman outside of your home and make it alive like Olaf who likes warm hugs but will melt if he got it. If there are more things that I didn't mention about this holiday, don't comment or I'll screw you.

"Hey guys!" Ruby shouted.

"Ugh! My ears! Why must you yell!!" Nixium yells back.

"Yeah, we are just beside you Ruby. You don't have to tone your voice up." Jaune said.

"Nevermind your ears, they are better that way. I'm here to tell you guys something! Its-"

"Christmas." Blake bluntly said.

"I was supposed to say that." Ruby pouts.

"Yeah Christmas, where we wear costumes and scare the heck out of people and getting some candy." Mercury said.

"Uhmm. Mercury, that's Holloween. Which happened just a month ago?" Emerald said.

"So what? It's the same anyways." Sun said.

"Why are you guys so dumb!" Emerald yelled face-palming.

"Guys? I'm still talking to you." Ruby said.

"Don't care, we're busy playing here." Nora said as she place a card in the middle of the circle.

"Wait what?! Seriously?! Okay I'm done, screw this game. Screw you readers! Not really. I'll screw you all with a screw driver." Nixium said.

"You win Nora, no way I'll be able to win this game." Y/N said as he stands up.

"Hah! You guys are just not good at playing this game." Yang said.

"Says the one who has 15 cards...." Weiss said in a deadpanned expression and voice.

"Luck just isn't beside me that's all!" Yang scoff.

"No it's not, you're not just good at this game." Neptune said.

"I know how to play!" She protests.

"Will you all just hear me out, guys?!" Ruby yelled getting the attention of all of them.

"Thank you, now what I wanted to tell you guys that today is Christmas and let's say we celebrate it together? As family?"

"Is that all?" Cinder ask.

"You guys were supposed to say sure!"

"I'm in." Y/N said.

"Me too." Emerald said.

Neo raise her fist up in agreement.

"Okay we'll join." The rest said except for Nixium.

They all look at her, waiting for her to respond. Nixium sighed and shrugged.

"Fine then, it's not like this holiday will be the worst."

"Alright every one, wear all your snow clothes! 'Cause things will about to get cold!!" Yang said.

"Wait, none of you said sure! Dammit, why it's always like this?!" Ruby whined.


Everyone were outside Beacon, playing in the snow like children. Ozpin and Glynda are watching them with smiles on their faces.

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