Chapter 33: Express

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It was day two of being in the academy while the rest are out for a mission in a week. I got bored just by training and doing nothing else, I miss my girls. I'm sure we'll be able to talk to each other again once their missions are over.

I was inside our dorm just laying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. The other two are probably busy with something that they need to do. This is getting pretty much boring, I stand up from my bed and head outside the dorm. I walk around the quiet halls searching for anything that I can do to kill time. Few students pass by as I walk, I later spotted Aster in the distance, talking to some students. I then approached and greeted him.

"Aster, anything new?" I asked.

"Hey, not much just chatting with a few people." He answered.

"I see, I'll be going now. Don't wanna bother you anymore." I said walking past them.

"I'll walk with you, I have nothing to do after this anyway." He said and he was now walking beside me.

"Have you seen Nixium? She hasn't been around here, I'm starting to get worried about her. She isn't acting her usual self since yesterday." I said.

"Not really, I guess we really should talk to her." He said.

"Let's go find her." I said, walking faster.

The two of us roam around the area in search for our other team mate, we haven't found a single clue on where she is but we didn't stop. About five minutes or so, we finally spotted we were looking for. It was Nixium talking to General Ironwood, the two of us got curious on what they were talking about so we decided to approach them. The two of them later noticed our presence and gaze at us.

"Mr. L/N, Mr. Frost. It's nice to see you two." Ironwood said, giving us a slight bow.

"Goodmorning sir, uh... how's it going?" Aster asked.

"I've been doing fine these days, I'm sorry that you and your team aren't able to take a mission due to the lack of team mates." He said.

"Oh it's fine, we were able to train here without interruptions. We still haven't been able to use our semblance though." I said.

"I see. I better be going now, we can discuss it again at a later time, Ms. L/N." He said walking away.

"But you haven't answered my question yet!" She said.

"Like I said, we can discuss it again at a later time. " He said before walking away.

Me and Aster look at Nixium to see her sighing. She looks back at us but she soon averted her gaze from us and walk past us. But before she did, I grab her arm and she stopped.

"Can you tell us what's bothering you?" I asked.

She remained silent.

"You know you don't have to hide anything from us." Aster stated.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She said.

"Why?" I said.

"Just let me clear my mind." She said somewhat irritated.

She yank her arm away from my hand and walked away. I then went up in front of her, blocking her way. She glares at me but I wasn't fazed by it, about seconds later, she sighs.

She didn't utter a word and just stood there, in front of me staring down on the floor.

"I just wanted to know..." She said rather quietly.

I look at her with a worried expression and took one step forward.

"Know what?" I asked.

"... I wanted to know... what happened to them, what happened to my parents." She said gripping on her outfit.

"Your parents? Why?" Aster questioned, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Because I never got to meet them. Ever since I was born, I was with my grandparents for years. All I knew is that they are in another kingdom doing their mission. But it seems that mission is still going I guess." She stated.

She then took a deep breath and sighed, her hands dangling on her sides. She walks past us like nothing had happened. I look back to see her walking away, the look on her face just now. It was pure sadness, which is rarely to see her like that. Once she's out of our sight, I sighed. Aster looks at me with a concern expression, I look at him and placed my hand on my face.

"We'll talk to her later, for now let's leave her alone." I said walking away.

"Tell her that we still have training to do in two hours." Aster said.

"I will." I responded.


After a few hours of training, it was now dusk. We first ate dinner, cleaned ourselves up and get ready for bed. Aster was sitting on his bed while cleaning his weapons, Nixium is laying on her bed, with her face facing the wall. And I was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed. I'm still not tired yet so I'm gonna stay up late. Aster finally finished cleaning his weapons and put them away.

I grab a book from the shelf and lean against the wall, I began to read while I wait for myself to get tired.

"I'm bored..." Aster said laying on his bed while facing the ceiling.

"You could just read a book until you get tired." I said.

"Nah, I don't want to." He said.

"Suit yourself." I said continuing what I'm currently reading.

Minutes passed, I'm still wide awake. I should probably do something that makes myself feel sleepy. I close the book and sighed, thinking in what should I do. Nixium then sit up and hugged her pillow, me and Aster gaze at her to see her gazing back at his. But she soon looked away and stare through the window.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"... Yeah." She answered in a low voice.

"Are you still bothered by your unanswered question?" Aster asked.

"I guess." She said.

"I'm sorry that you don't know what happened to your parents. I guess I got curious on what really happened to them as well." I said.

"Did uncle and auntie told you anything about it?" She asked looking at me.

Her eyes can already tell that she is eager to know more about it. I slowly shake my head which made her look down.

"Oh." Is the only thing that came out of her mouth.

"Don't worry though." Aster said sitting up.

Me and Nixium look at Aster to see him standing up and giving us a smile.

"We'll help you find a way to know what really happened to them. You can count us! Right Y/N?" Aster looks at me.

"Wait what? I never said-"

"Really?" Nixium asked.

"Yep! So don't feel sad anymore." He said.

I let out a sigh and she looks at us for a moment, later she let out a smile.

"Thanks." She said.

"You're welcome! Let's start our investigation starting tomorrow!" He said.

"Aye...." Is all I said before laying down on my bed.

I later fall asleep and so did they.

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