Chapter 10: Trouble For Her

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"Okay! Times up! I'm going to find her!" I got up from my bed and grab Light's Bane and put it on its sheath.

I walk out of our dorm and walk down the hall and met up with Team JNPR.

"What's up, Y/N. Where are you going?" Jaune ask.

"I'm going to find Nixium....... Who has been gone for two days."

"Wait she didn't come back?" Ren said.

"Yep, probably because she is still busy running away from the wattpad police."

"The what police?"

"Nevermind that, anyway tell Yang that I'm in Vale searching for her. If you're going to ask. I don't know what she will do to me in my sleep if I didn't tell her where I was."

They slowly nodded awkwardly and I walk away. I got on the courtyard and just sit on the bench for a minute.

"(Now where could've she gone to..... Maybe while they chase after her she will raid any donut shops she spots.)"

After thinking, I stand up and head to the bullhead to go to Vale.


Yang's POV

Me and my team are walking around the academy as we bump into JNPR.

"Uhmm Yang?" Pyrrha said.

"What's up?"

"We are just here to say that uhmm..... Y/N said that if you're wondering where he is. He is in Vale to search for Nixium." She replied.

I just stand there with a smile until it turned into a frown.

"He should have told me he would find her. I'm going after him guys! You can come with me if you want."

"I'll go!" Ruby volunteered.

"Me too." Blake said.

"Guess I'll be coming with you guys." Weiss sighed.

"Good luck finding them." Nora said and Team JNPR left.

We arrive in Vale and started walking around to find Y/N and Nixium.

"Nixium! Y/N!" I called out.

"Where are you guys!" Blake yelled.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!!" Ruby yelled.

"Do you really have to say that?" Blake questioned.

"What? That's what I say when I can't find Yang." Ruby said.

"Why are we even searching for them when Y/N is searching for Nixium?" Weiss said.

"Because I don't want something bad that will happen to my lover!" I exclaimed.

"You haven't even ask him out yet." Weiss replied.

"What? You jealous?" I said as I look at her smugly.

"W-what? No I am not!" She protested.

"You did not what, Weiss?"

"Oh Weiss was just saying that, Agh! Penny where did you come from."

"Hey guys! What are you up to."

"We're looking for my Y/N and Nixium."

"She is never yours Yang." Blake said.

"Shut up."

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