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Chapter Two


"Better luck next time," Wanda smirked, winning her fifth game of pool in a row

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"Better luck next time," Wanda smirked, winning her fifth game of pool in a row. The man she played with huffed angrily, not knowing she cheated using her probability manipulation to help influence her win.

"You're cheating," he accused her as she twirled her now red hair around her finger smiling innocently. She had to move place to place often, and dying her hair was one way to keep her from being easily recognisable. 

'I'd be angrier if she wasn't so beautiful,' the man thought, causing Wanda to smirk and hold out her hand expectingly.

"My money?" She asked, looking up into the mans eyes and showing amusement.

"C'mon, Donnie, she won fair and square," his more reasonable friend teased, patting him on the back as if to say he tried his best.

"Whatever man, this bitch can't play for shit," he grumbled, harshly handing her the paper bills. At this, Wanda narrowed her eyes slightly, trying to control the anger she had at his little amount of respect.

"This bitch, still won," Wanda replied, an eerily calm look to her face.

"Yeah, well, maybe I just let the woman win for once," he chuckled, leaning forward and slapping her back side, causing her to grit her teeth. She took a deep breath, trying to refrain from showing the men what she was capable of.

Instead, she stood up taller than before, making sure to push Donnie aggressively as she walked by. She then stopped shoving her hands in her pockets and turning around.

"Thanks for the game," she spoke sarcastically with a dead smile, before walking out the bar. As she pushed open the door, she noticed a pair of eyes on her, but continued to walk out, wanting to leave the small town as soon as she could with her winnings.

Exiting the bar, Wanda took her hands out of her pocket revealing the mans car keys. Her old truck was only days away from breaking down, and she had her eyes on his vehicle as soon as he showed up.

Walking across the dimly light parking lot, she smirked victoriously, unlocking the door to the shiny black 67' Chevy Impala and getting inside. Starting the car, she drove off, towards the next town, hoping her money from cheating at poker games and pool would be enough for her to last the next few weeks.

"Go back," the British voice said, causing her to twitch on the spot. She had become better at blocking out the voice invading her mind, but like a pest, it just kept coming back.

"He was there for you."

Having enough of the voice, she shoved her hand in the glove box, trying to search for any CD's, or cassettes considering the age of the car. She then found a small box full of cassettes, and while still looking at the road, she pulled out the first one she touched which so happened to be AC/DC. Shrugging, Wanda placed the tape in the cassette player as Back in Black began playing. She turned it over half way, trying to drown out the voices in her head.

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