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Chapter twelve: "Peter"

AN: This chapters short asf and I'm certain this is very out of character for Magneto but he's a family man, Wanda makes him out of character.

AN: This chapters short asf and I'm certain this is very out of character for Magneto but he's a family man, Wanda makes him out of character

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"Logan!" Wanda exclaimed out of relief as she spotted the mutant. He had his claws unsheathed and look as though he was ready to commit mass murder. He appeared unharmed, but that didn't stop Wanda from worrying as she noticed the blood staining his white shirt.

The Wolverine glanced up at the woman who called his name, a soft look in his eye as he saw that she was unharmed. Noticing the figure behind her, his eyes turned back to slits as he gazed down onto the stranger.

"The hell is this?" He asked, gesturing to the man behind Wanda.

"Peter." Both Wanda and Peter replied simultaneously. Logan looked unconvinced, eyeing the man suspiciously.


"Wanda! Logan!" Rogue exclaimed as she ran towards the three. Her look went from relieved to confused as she spotted the unfamiliar face beside Wanda.

"Who's this?" She asked, momentarily forgetting about the mutants who had broken into the school.

"Peter. He has super speed-" Logan looked as though he was about to object but Wanda cut him off. "-He also saved my life, so let's just trust him for now." She spoke, walking past Logan and towards the front entrance. Rogue, Peter and Logan wordlessly followed her.

Upon making it to the entrance, Wanda saw many of the schools younger kids huddled around the door and staircase.

"Professor Logan!" A student exclaimed in relief. Many kids turned at the name, visibly relaxing as they immediately felt safe and protected around the wolverine.

Turning to Logan, Wanda spoke. "What do we do from here? We can't evacuate everyone."

"We need to get in contact with Charles." Logan spoke lowly so only the four could hear.

"And? Call the man." Peter suggested stupidly causing Logan to roll his eyes.

"Listen, kid, now's not the time for your shi-"

"Wanda." A voice spoke, so chilling and unfamiliar. A man stepped out from within the shadows of the halls, five or so more people behind him.

"After all this time... I've finally found you." The man said, his gaze slightly gentle as he looked at her.

"Magneto." Logan seethed upon coming face to face with an old enemy.

"Hello, Wolverine." Magneto replied, raising a hand and sending Logan flying back into the group of children.

"You're him..." Wanda muttered, her lips left ajar in slight shock.

"My sweet daughter, how strong you've become." He spoke, stepping closer to her. Wanda stayed in place, too shocked to move. She had known that Magneto was her father, but she never expected to come face to face with him. She thought that after he left her as a child, he would never want to see her again.

"I've been searching for you since the news of your escape-"

"You're not my father." Wanda refused, knowing that there were dozens of eyes watching her and listening.

Magneto looked taken back, a look of hurt flashing over his eyes.

"My real dad died, along with my mom and my brother." She spoke, her slightly teary eyes holding fury as she stepped closer towards him. "You..." She said angrily, her voice shaking.

"-aren't my family. You don't care, you never did. Otherwise, you would've never have left."

"I can explain everything, Wanda. I may not be family to you, but you are to me. You're my daughter, and I love you."

Wanda bit her lip, stepping back from Magneto.

"Why did you come here?" Rogue hissed as she grabbed Wanda's arm and pulled her back beside her. Sending one final look towards Wanda, his gazed snapped over to the children that were huddled together in fear.

Erik would never admit it, but he had come for Wanda. Not to force her away, but just to see her. To know how she was, and words could not describe how torn he had felt once he discovered that she saw him as nothing but dirt on the bottom of her shoe.

"We never meant to be so abrupt." Erik spoke honestly.

"But my offer still stands-"

"And what offer is that?" The familiar voice of Charles Xavier spoke. Everybody turned their heads to see Charles at the entrance of the mansion with Scott by his side.

"A chance at a better life." Replied Erik, slightly taken back by Charles appearance.

"The war between mutants and humans is coming upon us. Only now, the slightest push could send us into a war from which we can never come back from."

Charles remained silent, trying to read past Magneto and his helmet.

"Wanda, I came here because I believe you and I can stop this war before it even starts." He continued in a softer voice.

'It is you choice if you stay or go.' Charles spoke telepathically inside her mind.

Wanda was almost convinced, hadn't it been for the words of Charles she wouldn't have realised just how the school has helped her, and how much independence and free will she was given. There was no guarantee that things with Magneto would be the same.

She looked up into Erik's eyes as an almost apologetic look formed within her own.

Logan watched the two, his heart beating fast at the thought of Wanda leaving them and joining the brotherhood of evil.

"I could never be apart of something like that."

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