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Chapter Three: "Wound so fresh"



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The wound was so fresh, Pietro only having been dead for around a week. And each Wanda opened a new door it led to the same room, and the same dead body.

"Pietro," Wanda gasped, falling to her knees and forcing her eyes shut.

"You changed, Wanda," his voice echoed, making her eyes snap open. She still saw his body dead on the floor.

"You've become her..." His voice spoke once again.

"I don't know you anymore..."

Wanda looked around the room, as it began to glow red, everything dissolving in sight, leaving her in a dark blank space and forcing her to shut her eyes.

"The Scarlet Witch."

Wanda's eyes then immediately opened, as a clone of herself stood, staring back at her, lifeless, doll-like and sinister. Her eyes a bright red, showing her strength, and seemingly absent of any fear.

"You know what you are. People, they fear you," the other version of herself spoke.

"I can't control their fear. Only my own," she found herself replying automatically as if she had no control. It was a mantra she had taught herself somewhere along the way.

"Everything bad that's ever happened to us... Was our fault. There's only one way to fix it, and you know how."


"NO!" She screamed, covering her ears wanting the voices to be quiet.


"Wanda?" Logan asked, shaking her shoulder with his one free hand.

"You were havin' a nightmare," he spoke, turning to look at her for a moment, seeing her stare out the car window in silence. He wished he was a mind-reader too so he would know what to say. Unfortunately for him, he was stuck as a monstrous killing machine with claws, destined to lose everyone and everything he loved.

"You don't wanna talk about it? I get that," Logan then nodded cooly, turning his attention completely back towards the road. 

"You know, I get nightmares too," he spoke suddenly, causing Wanda to turn her head to look at him.

"Glimpses of my past-- Well at least what I think is my past," He said, a subtle attempt at trying to get her to open up. "I don't remember much of... well anything. I think I'm Canadian, but that's about it," he chuckled dryly causing Wanda to smile the slightest of smiles.

"...Mine are of my brother. He died."

Logan grunted in response, something that Wanda was sure meant 'my condolences' from him. "...When did he pass?" Logan asked, giving a quick glance at Wanda, wondering if her hair was naturally that pretty colour. 

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