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Chapter six: "One month without an incident"


Lonely, Wanda walked down the halls of Xavier's School, her face void of any emotion

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Lonely, Wanda walked down the halls of Xavier's School, her face void of any emotion. Since she started training with Logan, she had been sneaking out of her room every night to train, finding it a great way to blow off steam. She preferred punching things over talking about her feelings.

That day was sadder than most, marking one month since Pietro's death.

Wanda didn't know why she hadn't felt overly emotional or upset. Her last true family had been killed, and there she was living comfortably in a place she only used to dream of. At first, she thought it might've been denial, maybe it hadn't fully sunken in yet, but now she's realised. Her new attitude was her response to his death. She wanted to be able to be the best version of herself so that she can do good deeds in the name of her brother. She wanted to be able to end the madness, stop the past from catching up and consuming her whole. So that's why she trained. 

She trained twice daily: one a lesson with Logan and two, a secret training session. Logan had noticed her quick improvement within the first week and had immediately caught onto her nighttime activities in the training room. He hardly cared, finding it more so inspiring that she was dedicating herself to becoming better. Logan wished that he too could become like that, but in a way, he was already at his best.

Many smaller kids glanced at her as she walked by, feeling dazed by her confidence as well as her modesty. She had given up on Jeans advice, finding friends was not for her. They would distract her, hold her back. Maybe it was good that she didn't get a proper childhood, because that way it was easier.

All she did was go to her private and normal classes, and try learn as much as she could. She did feel slightly odd as the oldest in a class of teens and people in their early twenties, but quickly found that most kids didn't mind, in fact they seemed surprised by her age, finding that she was younger than she looks.

"Hey, Wanda," Rogue greeted as she walked past.

Wanda looked to see Bobby and rogue having walked up beside her.

"Hey," she replied, trying to see why they were being so nice to her. 

"You have history, right?" Rogue asked, but she already knew the answer, having asked Logan during their previous meeting. She was just trying to make conversation

"Yes, I haven't actually been yet, Charles thought it would've been better if my first few weeks here were spent settling in and training," Wanda replied. Her classes mainly consisted of training, and on Fridays she had ethics and history. She didn't even want to do history, her thoughts being preoccupied with something much more important.

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