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Chapter Fourteen "Her Creation"

"When did you first get your powers?"

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"When did you first get your powers?"

It was a simple question Wanda had asked Peter, yet she was curious. Why? Because everything about Peter was exactly like her brother. She'd noticed it the moment they met, but she never questioned it until now.

"Well, puberty called and said, "Hey, have this." And I was kinda like "wow this is really weird but cool." And my mom basically told me I was a mutant." He explained poorly, but Wanda laughed.

"You're lucky your mother accepted you for it." Wanda told him with a small smile. He nodded.

"Yeah, she was really excited. Apparently my dad was some kind of a mutant and she had been expecting me to be just like him." He smiled to himself, but it quickly faded.

"I'm just— it's just unfortunate that not everybody feels that way about mutants." Peter places his hand on Wanda's arm, trying to comfort her. Wanda gave a small smile and looked up at him when her eyes went red.

From across the school, Charles felt it. A high pitch ringing in his head that caused all students to cover their ears and groan.

Logan raced out of his room, meeting with Storm at the end of the stairs as they ran together to Charles.

"What is it?" Storm exclaimed as the two ran. Logan shook his head.

"No idea!"

He barged into Charles' office.

"Professor?" Storm asked. Charles turned around, the ringing coming to a stop.

"Get to Wanda." He ordered. Logan and Storm didn't think twice before racing around the school to find her.

"Wanda..." Peter trailed off, looking at her. She looked anything but fine, her eyes were bright red and she felt an oncoming headache.

"Your time's up."

Suddenly she screamed. She couldn't hear, or see— where was she?

"Wanda!" The faint voice of Logan cried. She was suddenly snapped back into reality, looking up at Logan in front of her.

"Charles... I need Charles." She spoke softly.

"What happened, kid?" Logan asked, trying to keep calm as he helped up Wanda.

"I- I don't know, I just touched her arm." Peter stuttered. It couldn't have been him. It couldn't.

Logan lifted up Wanda, taking her to Charles' office, knowing that the medical bay wasn't an option for her.

"I can walk myself, Logan." Wanda muttered, causing him to let go of her. They entered Charles' office where Logan was immediately dismissed.

"Wanda..." Charles muttered as I sat down in front of his desk.

"What we are about to talk about is between you, me and possibly a few others. Nobody else. It would cause panic and frighten the students." He spoke carefully, and she felt her anxiety get worse.

"This is about Peter. I'm sure you've noticed something familiar about him the first time you met him." Wanda nodded slowly, waiting for him to continue.

"He's almost identical to your twin brother." He spoke carefully as if Wanda would explode, but she just nodded.

"Yes, same abilities, personality— even their names are similar." Wanda whispered, more to herself as though she was just realising for the first time. But she wasn't, she knew this all before yet she never wanted to face what might be the truth.

"Wanda, forgive me for saying this, but when your brother died, it unleashed a power from you that has never before been seen on such a large scale. His death created a new life: Peter." Charles explained.

"What are you saying, Professor?" Wanda asked, her brows furrowed.

"When your brother died, your powers altered reality and created a new life. Peter is that new life."

"Are you saying that I created him?" Wanda scoffed slightly like it was the most stupid thing in the world. Nobody has the power to create life like that.

"Wanda, listen to me very carefully. Peter doesn't know this. His mother is still his mother, and his father is still his father. Peter was meant to be a very different boy than what he is now. Your powers changed his DNA from birth and you made him what he is now. When he touched your arm, it must've activated the very hidden part of your brain that created him."

Wanda sat still, unable to comprehend. She could create life, change peoples lives.

"Why can't anyone know?" Wanda asked him after a few seconds of silence.

"If any of the students found out what you are capable of, I'm afraid there will be jealousy or fear. Wanda, your abilities grow stronger. The universe is your sandbox and you can create or change anything you desire. Normally, I wouldn't tell any of my students something like this, but you are an adult. One who has suffered far too much and matured. I trust you with this information, and I believe that knowing what you are capable of will help you with control."

Wanda nodded along, unsure of what to feel.

"You may tell Peter when you believe the time is right— or don't tell him at all. The choice is yours."

"But why him?" Wanda said suddenly, having just thought about it. "Why Peter? It could be anybody in the world."

"There's no easy way to say this, but you and Peter are related. Magneto is his father, but I'm afraid his mother is another woman. When altering reality, it's possible that your powers attached themselves to a close blood relative, which so happened to be Peter."

"He's my brother? How do I explain this to him?" Wanda began to question. She didn't know if she was capable of handling this on her own. Charles sighed, taking a glimpse at her rushing thoughts.

"Wanda, calm yourself. I will tell him."

"Oh good! You're both here. Wanda I don't know what I did but I'm so sorry!" Peter rushed into the room, causing Wanda and Charles to share a glance.

"Peter, take a seat."

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