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Chapter Eighteen: "Genosha"

AN: Sorry it's been so long, I had lost motivation for this story but I noticed an influx of readers so I decided to revive this story by finishing this chapter. It's a bit short but where I left it was a good place to end the chapter :)


Wanda awoke in an unfamiliar room. She tried to sit herself up immediately, but struggled as the effects of the drugs made her numb. Her entire body was tingling and she felt a crushing pressure in her skull. For a brief moment, she considered death, but that passed like a fleeting shadow.

"You're awake, finally." A familiar male voice called from her left.

Wanda blinked slowly, trying to set her vision on the figure. When he came into focus, she frowned.

"I thought you were a dream." She spoke, her voice coming out croaky from lack of use.

"I've been watching over you for weeks, Wanda." Responded Magneto, stepped closer to the bed.

"You took me from the institute? I... when did this happen? How did you do this?" Wanda struggled, but tried to swing her legs over the side of the bed and stand. As her foot made contact with the ground she almost collapsed but Magneto caught her, gently escorting her to sit back down.

"I didn't take you from the Institute. Charles invited me there, and then we agreed together to move you to an abandoned island by New York City. A place where you couldn't hurt anyone." He explained, and Wanda shook her head, not understanding.

"Where I can't hurt anyone?" She frowned in confusion, before the memories came rushing back. The mansion, the nightmare, the earthquake, the death.

"Oh God." She muttered in her native language. Her eyes turned red, as she revisited the memory.

"Wanda?" Magneto called, placing a hand on her shoulder and forcing him to look up at her.

"Where are we now?" She asked, looking up at him with tear filled eyes.

"Genosha. It's a mutant paradise I created. Far from the humans." Magneto explained. Wanda looked around the room, wondering if paradise meant peeled wallpaper and leaking pipes.

"Why? Why did you take me here?" She asked, looking away from the walls and settling her vision on Magneto. She had little trust for him.

Erik inhaled. "Wanda, they were going to kill you." He revealed.

There was a brief silence before Wanda responded.

"I don't believe you."

"It's true." Another voice spoke from the door. Wanda turned her head, spotting Peter at the door. She furrowed her brows in confusion— but most notably in hurt.

"Peter? You betrayed us?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"No Wanda, I betrayed them." Peter stepped through into the room. "Xavier orchestrated a meeting where they were going to discuss what to do with you. They were going to kill you." His voice was almost pleading with her to believe him.

Her heart told her there was no way, but after all she had done...

"Why would they kill me?" She asked. Charles had promised her they would teach her control, teach her to be better. If he went through with killing her, he would've failed her. Wanda knew Charles wasn't the type of man to do that.

"Because they fear the power you hold. The power that gets stronger every waking moment." Peter explained, his eyes locking his his sisters. Wanda stared up at him. He was not her brother, not Pietro.

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