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Chapter Twenty: "Remember"

"There's just one thing I don't understand." Jean Grey spoke aloud to the room of X-Men.

Over the course of several days, Jean had single-handedly been able to track down each former X-Men using cerebro.

Now, gathered as they used to be in their former reality, they sat around the dining hall of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Logan, Scott, Jean, Storm, Rogue, Bobby, Piotr, Hank, Kitty— all of whom came together for Wanda.

Mystique had even come along as well. She wasn't all bad, but knowing Charles was dead made her determined to return to the previous reality.

"What's that, Jean?" Storm asked, sat at the head of the dining table.

"Why was Logan the only one who remembered?"

All the heads in the room turned to look at him, as though he would have a definitive answer.

"Like I said— over the years I've been mind-wiped so many times that I don't remember who I am before a certain time. Don't remember where I came from, how old I am— my parents. But two days ago I woke up and I remembered every single moment of my entire life. It's all—" Logan paused, realising just what Wanda had done for him. He had been sitting there annoyed that everyone help was given the life they wanted, but having his memory back was all he ever wanted for years.

"What?" Ororo asked him.

"It's all I ever wanted." He scoffed, shaking his head. "It's what Magneto got Wanda to do— give us all what we always wanted... Just so that he could have what he always wanted." He spoke bitterly.

"She's his child. Surely he wouldn't stoop that low." Jean tried to defend, but Mystique shot her down.

"Erik's grown cold over the years— the whole reason he was looking for Wanda was because Callisto once said she was a class five." The mutant woman revealed, causing Jean to grimace in disgust.

"He was just looking for his moment to manipulate her— and he found it."

"Yeah, we know Magneto's a piece of shit." Logan grumbled. "But how do we detain him long enough to reach Wanda— or any of them for that matter?" He then asked out to his team. Nobody had any real response.

There was no real plan.

"What do we do?" Logan questioned, throwing his arms out. "Burst in there tomorrow night and just ask Wanda to come with us? You all know what she's capable of."

"We do, Logan." Rogue spoke up. "But she's our friend— we just need to break through to her— show her that Magneto has manipulated her." She nodded, looking to Bobby for support.

"Then what?" Hank asked, having been watching the conversation unfold and just now putting in his 'expert' opinion.

"When everything is back to normal, she'll still be out of control and we'll just be in the place we left off. Here, discussing whether or not we should kill a living person." He rationalised, and Logan found himself groaning at the room of X-Men fell into chatter and bickering.

"The plan is the same as before." Logan spoke loudly causing everyone to fall into silence and stare at him.

"We go to Wanda and Jean uses the Phoenix Force to enter her mind. She then shuts down that part of her that makes her lose control." He explained, with an immediate protest from Scott.

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