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Chapter Nineteen: "House of Magnus"

    'This coming Saturday night, the House of Magnus celebrates the spectacular anniversary of their homeland, Genosha. Royal families from all around the world are invited to attend this Gala, and will be served with irresistible Romany and Jewish inspired delicacies.'

Logan threw the newspaper to the side. How on Earth was he supposed to reach Wanda? Genosha was a military power, inhabited by thousands of mutants from across the globe. He needed someone to remember as he did.

He needed Charles.

According to Mystique, the school was closed when he died. Logan had been living in it ever since. Not only that, Mystique stuck around often, and apparently they were... a thing?

He shuddered at the thought.

If Logan couldn't find Charles, he needed to find the others. First and foremost, he had to find Jean.

    On the island of Genosha, Erik Magnus fawned over the city his daughter had created. It was advanced, with tall skyscrapers designed by Roman influence. Even his clothing was, with brown leather sandals and an elegant regal robe that was thin enough to fight off heat.

"Father?" Wanda called in Hebrew.

Erik turned off to the side, spotting his daughter behind him.

"I'll be a moment." He replied in English.

Wanda stepped back inside, leaving Erik to his thoughts.

The mutant turned away from his city, eyes catching the monument dedicated to one of his oldest friends.  He felt regret, but there was no other way. Charles was a threat alive, even with no memory. He was a reminder of the other choice. The one that resulted in his daughter being dead.

"I'm sorry, old friend." Erik muttered, turning away from the grave and heading back inside.

   With the help of Mystique, Logan was able to discover Jeans address. She lived a life as a doctor, a successful one, and was happily married to Scott Summers. It made Logan bitter to think about. It seemed as though everyone in this new world was given their happy ending— except for him.

Knocking on the door to the top floor NYC apartment, Scott answered the door.

"Oh." He answered, shoulders deflating as though Logan were the last person he expected— which he probably was.

"Is Jean home?" Logan asked, causing Scott to squint suspiciously.

"No." Scott replied, going to shut the door but Logan pushed it open easily with his superior strength.

"Logan, you can't just barge in!" Scott groaned, allowing Mystique to come through. He almost didn't see she was there.

"We need her help. She's a telepath." Logan explained, sitting down on the couch and lighting up a cigar that Scott could've sworn magically appeared from nowhere.

"She'll be home soon."

Mystique wandered around the apartment, going through their things. "Can you stop that?" Scott asked, glaring at Mystique. She raised her hands in surrender and went to go sit by Logan.

"What do you need her help with?" Scott questioned, coming to stand in front of the two.

Logan scoffed. "I'll tell you. I'll say it to say it, but you're not going to believe it." He then put his feet up on Scott's coffee table, and Scott immediately kicked them down.

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