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Chapter nine: "The X-men"

Chapter nine: "The X-men"

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Cable grinned. A smile so eerie that Wanda twitched in her place, suddenly terrified of the man.

"You won't ever get the chance," he replied, but Wanda wasted no time in firing a red hex ball towards him. 

He brought up his force field, blocking the blow before Logan charged towards him, slashing his claws that were thirsty for even more blood. He moved around, Logan accidentally ramming into the force field and bouncing back onto the cold wet pavement. He didn't even looked shocked as he saw the dead bodies of the men he had brought along, the ones that Logan killed so brutally. Henchmen were sub-human to him, a mere distraction to his enemy.

Wanda moved closer to Cable as he brought his knife down towards her. Her hands began to shine bright red as she narrowly missed being stabbed and pushed the knife back with her magic. Giving her a quick glance, Cabled brought up his metal arm, attempting to hit Wanda and hopefully knock her out.

She dodged the hit, her lessons with Logan finally making a difference. As he went to punch again, she blocked his other arm with her magic, and pushed him away.

He landed on the floor with a harsh scrape, grunting as gravel dug into his exposed arm. He felt the almost familiar metallic taste of blood in his mouth, and chuckled in excitement, spitting it out onto the pavement.

Wanda stood forward, holding out her arm and lifting Cable off of the ground. He then screamed in anguish as the red midst of Wanda's magic acted like fire around his cold pale skin. Raising her other hand, Cable felt a pull at his metal arm, grunting as it was being ripped off from his body.

His body then dropped to the ground, his metal arm across the parking lot. However, he still found the energy to chuckle at Wanda's persistence, thinking that perhaps Strucker was wrong about her.

'Any last words?' She spoke telepathically, she wouldn't waste another breath on him. If only things could've been different.

"Your brother died alone," he spat out desperately, his voice harsh and intending to hurt her.

"It might've seemed like you were with him during his last breath, but I was there to hear it," he continued venomously, using every chance he could to weaken Wanda. "Begging for death like the pathetic boy he was."

"You'll die alone too," he taunted, his blood-stained teeth bared in a gruesome smile. Wanda flinched, eyes squeezing shut in pain. She heard the familiar sound of claws unsheathing, followed by Cable's loud groan.

Her eyes snapped open to see Logan beside Cable, who was kneeling on the ground. Leaning close to Cable's ear, Logan muttered something incoherent. He then looked up at Wanda and they shared a meaningful glance as she stormed towards Cable who fell to the ground, unable to do anything but slowly lose blood.

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