I Guess I Forgot About It

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Yay 25 reads! tysm and please, if you like the story, give it a vote maybe? :) thanks again ily

She had never actually talked to him. 

"Ready." Someone called from outside the door. Alec's head shot up and he got out of his chair. He walked out the door and Jenny guessed she was suppose to follow. They walked down the hall again and into another room. It was a bit bigger then Alec's office but all that was in it was a desk and two chairs. 

"Have a seat." Alec told her as he went over to the desk. Jenny went over to the chair and sat down. She saw Alec pick up a pipette. 

"Did you eat or drink anything in the last hour?" He asked her. 

"No." She replied. She could feel herself becoming stiff again. Alec pulled the other chair closer to her and sat down. 

"Open." He mumbled. Jenny opened her mouth and Alec placed the pipette in and took the sample. 

"I just don't get you. Why all alone?" He asked her. She couldn't reply with the pipette in her mouth. She just stared at him. Finally when he was done he got out of his chair and put the pipette in a bag with the sample. Jenny's mouth felt dry. She licked her lips a couple times. 

"There's no one else." She said as a reply to the question he had asked a few seconds ago. Alec bent down and wrote on the label. 

"What about an orphanage?" He asked. He stood up and crossed his arms. 

"I'd rather be alone. I don't want a new family. I would want my own." Jenny said sternly to him. 

"Does anyone try to help you here? No one notices?" He asked. 

"No one cares." She replied. Alec stood there in deep thought for a few moments. 

"Tomorrow around midday you and I are going to the Latimers. You'll tell them that you found Danny's phone. It's better they find out from us and not the papers." Alec said as he uncrossed his arms. Jenny's arms shot up. 

"What?! I can't stay!" She yelled. Alec turned to her. 

"Why? Don't you live here? You have all the time in the world." Alec asked her. Jenny lowered her arms as she realised what she had said. 

"Yeah..." She mumbled as he walked out. 

Jenny lay in her bed looking up at the ceiling. So much had happened and she didn't know what to do. Alec had made her give a DNA sample which she was a bit scared of when he came up to her with pipette. Now he was making her go see the Latimer's, a family that she had nothing to do with. Jenny sat up in bed when she heard a knock at the door. Her friend then opened the door. Jenny had given him an extra key. 

"Hey." Jenny acknowledged him. He nodded as he closed the door behind him. 

"Hey." He said with a big grin. Jenny grinned back. He made his way over to the bed. He sat on the edge and looked at her. 

"So, we leaving in the morning?" He asked her. Jenny looked down at the bed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 

"No." She said while letting her breath fade. Her friend looked at her with deep sadness. 

"Why can't we leave?" We could be going north in the morning." He said. 

"I have to meet with the Latimer's. That's the family of the dead boy." Jenny replied. 

"Alec just wants me to tell them I found the phone. We should be able to leave tomorrow afternoon. If that works?" Jenny asked him. 

"Of course. Anytime works." He said to her. 

"Ok, it's time for you to go to bed." He told her after a few moments. 

"Ok." Jenny replied. She lifted up the covers and slipped under. Her friend got up and walked over to her side. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. 

"Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." He whispered. Jenny looked up at him and smiled. She gently closed her eyes. Her friend quietly backed out of the room. 

Alec and Ellie walked down the beach shore. They had gotten a call that morning. They had found Jack Marshall dead on the shore. He had killed himself. Both of them approached the body, splayed out on the beach. The water would wash up and brush his body occaisonally. Alec looked down at Jack. 

'Great, another one dead.' Alec thought to himself. 

"Take the body down for treatment. Check it over. Call me when you're done." Alec told the other police officer that had occupied them. He then turned to walk back up the beach. 

"What do we do now? He was our key suspect." Ellie asked him as she followed. He gave her a slight glance with a hard look and then kept walking. 

"They've confirmed it. He did in fact kill himself." Ellie told Alec as she placed a handful of papers on his desk the next morning. Alec put his glasses on and picked up the papers. 

"Ok...what about Susan? No dog yet is there?" Alec asked Ellie as he skimmed the papers. 

"No, we haven't found the dog and she isn't giving us much at all." Ellie replied. Alec thought to himself for a moment. 

"What happened to Mark?" He asked her. 

"He was cleared. He was with Becca Fisher the night Danny went missing." She told him. Alec looked up at her. 

"Why didn't I know this?" He asked. Ellie gave him a wondering look. 

"I thought you knew." She told him. He looked back down at the papers. 

"No...I guess I forgot about it."

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