He's Dead

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Just two more days until Death In Heaven yay. Enjoy this next part, I find it so cute. :)

Alec opened the door. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked her surprised at her presence. Jenny shifted uncomfortably.

"I was wondering if you had an extra bed. One I could stay in tonight." She asked him. She shivered a bit. The fast transition from warm to cold got to her. Alec paused to think for a moment.

"Yeah, come in." He said to her. He backed up to let her in. Jenny gave him a smile and walked passed him. He had the same room as her. This presumed a problem. There was only one bed. She turned to look at Alec.

"There's only one bed." She told him. Alec sniffed. The cold was getting to him too.

"You take the bed, I'll take the chair." He said as he pointed over to a chair in the corner of the room.

"No. You should take the bed. You need to recover. It would be bad for your heart if you were to stay in the chair." She debated.

"No you take the bed." Alec said sternly. He meant what he said.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." He continued. He walked over to the chair in the corner and sat down. Jenny watched him but then walked over to the bed. She undid the covers and climbed in. She sat up and looked at Alec.

"Night." She said. Alec looked up at her.

"Night." He replied. Jenny reached over and turned out the lights. She laid back and drifted to sleep.

The next morning Jenny woke up around eight o'clock. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. For a second she forgot where she was. Then she remembered that she was with Alec but he wasn't there anymore. She sighed and remembered that he had to be at work for seven.

She untangled herself from the covers and then made her bed. She walked over to the fridge to see what Alec had to eat here. She opened it and all her had was an apple.

"Where does he get the energy for all this?" Jenny wondered out loud. She closed the fridge without taking anything. She decided she would go to the corner store by the beach to pick something up. Then maybe she would go see John.

Then it hit her again. He wasn't here anymore. She stopped for a moment to process this thought again. He would come back for her right?

She shook the thought away and continued to make her way to the door.

Outside the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. People walked past Jenny as she made her way down the road. They all had such big smiles on their faces, like there wasn't a care in the world. Jenny wondered if they were losing interest in Danny's murder case. She wondered if they actually could. I mean someone in your neighbourhood gets killed but someone else in your neighbourhood. Jenny wouldn't be sleeping personally.

At the end of the road she reached the small corner store. She turned to enter and then noticed a sign. It read 'Sorry, we are closed.' Jenny looked in the windows and noticed that the place was empty.

"What's happened?" She asked herself.

"He's dead." Someone said to Jenny behind her. Jenny turned to face Chloe Latimer.

"What do you mean he's dead?" Jenny asked surprised. Chloe shrugged her shoulders.

"He killed himself." She replied.

"It's Jenny right?" She continued. Jenny nodded her head. She looked back at the shop.

"Alec never told you?" Chloe continued. Jenny thought that she asked too many questions.

"Why would he tell me this?" She asked. Chloe raised her eyebrows.

"I thought her was looking after you. That's what he told us at least." She said. Jenny opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Why would Alec think that then? Maybe now, but not then. She had her friend. Now she didn't.

"I guess." Jenny mumbled.

"Thanks for telling me it was closed. I'll find someplace else." Jenny thanked Chloe. Jenny started to walk back up the road. She was stopped by Chloe's hand grabbing her arm.

"Has he almost figured it out, DI Hardy?" She asked Jenny. Jenny's eyes widened.

"Um...I don't really know. He doesn't talk to me about it really." She replied. She shook her arm free from Chloe's grasp.

"Bye." Her goodbye came out as a whisper. She continued down the road.

Alec sat at his desk the next morning reading over some forensics from the hut on the cliff. Nothing made sense to him anymore.

That morning he had left his room without waking Jenny. His back killed him from sleeping; well not really sleeping; on the coach. Maybe he should have listened to Jenny and taken the bed.

All of a sudden his phone rang. He reached into his pocket to get it. He pulled it out and read the caller ID. It said 'Paul Cotes'. Alec answered it.

"Hello." Alec said.

"Hi, you mind coming down to the church now? I have something for you." Paul asked Alec. Alec took a deep breath and looked down at the papers on his desk. He thought about it for a second.

"Sure. What for?"

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