I Want To Be With Him

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Here, have a Jenny chapter, all from her point of view. Is it just me or are the people who are reading this crying... nope probably just me. Enjoy :p

She stood there in silence as she watched.

They checked him from head to toe and then they brought out a stretcher. Jenny watched as they lifted him up and onto it. They then started to move up the beach to the ambulance. Jenny took another look at the waves and silently thanked them for not taking him from her. Then she turned and ran up to walk alongside the stretcher.

Her plans with subsided when a police officer came and stood in her way.

"What are you doing?" He asked her. Jenny looked up and the man astonished.

"What do you mean? I'm going with him." Jenny replied with a hint of attitude as she spoke. The officer looked down at her and shook his head.

"Sorry but you can't." He told her. Jenny couldn't believe what she was hearing. After calling for help for Alec she wasn't allowed to be with him.

Jenny looked up at the officer one more time before doing a brave thing. She charged around the officer and ran at the stretcher. The officer wasn't expecting it but he hurried after her.

The stretcher was quite a distance away and Jenny's strides seemed smaller. The sand was holding her back. Soon the officer caught up with her and grabbed her around the waist. He pulled her down and Jenny started to scream. It was the loudest cry she could muster. She tried to get loose of the officers grasp but she couldn't. Finally she fell to the ground and tears ran down her face. She watched in envy as the medics put Alec in the ambulance. The one thing she wanted was to be there with him.

Hours later, in the silence of a small white hospital hallway Jenny sat in a chair staring at her hands. They were covered in sand and tears. Her leg was shaking slightly and her head was spinning. Thoughts rushed to her head as fast as lightning as each and every person walked by as if everything was normal. Jenny knew that they weren't though.

She had found Alec on the beach, unconscious but alive. She had called his boss using his phone and had stayed with him until help had arrived. When she had tried to come with him to the hospital she was held back by an officer. She could remember herself kicking and screaming as if her whole life depended on it. She was taken to the police station after that and questioned about Alec's whereabouts that morning. Jenny had told them that she thought he was at work. That was what Becca had told Jenny that morning anyway.

After that the same officer that stopped her on the beach drove her in to see Alec. The thing was they wouldn't let anyone see him. Now she was stuck sitting in the hall as time ticked on.

"He's just waking up now Doctor." Jenny heard a voice off to her right. She slowly raised her head to listen better.

"He should be fine now, he's just groggy." The nurse told the doctor. Jenny noticed the nurse then point in her direction.

"And also, that girl over there. She wanted to see him, could she go in." The nurse asked the doctor. The nurse then smiled to Jenny whose head then shot down as if she hadn't been listening. The doctor turned around to look at Jenny. He noticed the dried tears still on her face and felt symphony. He then turned back to the nurse and nodded. The nurse smiled and walked over to Jenny.

Jenny fiddled with her fingers as she waited for the nurse to say she was allowed to see him. The nurse leaned over and whispered in Jenny's ear.

"Come on in sweetie." Jenny smiled and looked at the nurse. She was smiling back at her. Jenny stood up and wiped the dried tears from her face. She also brushed her hair behind her ears hopping that Alec wouldn't think she was a total mess. She turned and walked down the hall to Alec's room.

The nurse opened the door and walked in ahead of Jenny. Jenny then walked behind the nurse into a solid white room. There was one window right near a bed with white sheets. Next to the bed was a bunch of wires and a night stand that had three needles laid on a tray ready to be used.

Excitement and fear was now rushing through Jenny's veins. After one more run through of the room her eyes rest on Alec whose eyes were half shut and he looked exhausted.

"Alec..." Jenny said quietly as she rushed over to him. He opened his eyes for a split second just to see who it was.

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