Nobody Knows Her

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Annnd another part. Is anyone having problems with their Instagrams? Mine posted a picture twice and now nothing will load? Anyways, enjoy this next part! tysm for everything

"No...I guess I forgot about it." Alec trailed off. 

"Well I'm off to Susan again. You coming this time?" Ellie asked him as she turned to leave. Alec didn't look up at her. 

"No you can do it." He said. Ellie gave a huff of her breath and walked out. 

Alec leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. 'Why hadn't he found out about Mark being cleared?' He wondered to himself. He thought he had been on top of everything, including worrying about the thirteen year old girl. 

Everything seemed to be passing him by. It was going by so quickly. Nothing seemed to stand still anymore. He was rushed with Jenny and couldn't follow his case half the time. The pressure was getting to him now. It was coming back to haunt him. 

There they sat in the quiet Latimer house hold, well not very quiet on the inside but they tried to hide it. They all did. Beth, Mark, Chloe and Liz sat on the coach that was up against the back wall. Jenny and Alec were sitting in separate chairs in front of them. 

"Jenny would like to tell you something." Alec told the Latimers as he nodded towards Jenny. She looked back at him sadly and then turned to face the group on the coach. 

"I was walking, a couple days ago, down High street when I found," She paused for a moment to catch her breath. "Danny's phone." She finished her sentence. She looked up from her feet to look directly at Beth. She looked stunned. 

"Where did you find it?" Liz asked Jenny. Jenny quickly turned from Beth to Liz. She opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. Alec had noticed this. 

"Outside the corner store by the beach." He answered Liz. Jenny snuck a small glance at Alec with a small smile that meant thank you. Alec noticed and nodded. 

"Why are you telling us this?" Beth finally spoke up. Jenny sat up in her chair. She wasn't prepared to talk to Beth. 

"We thought you would rather find out from us then the papers. Is that right?" Alec said assumingly. Jenny let out her breath. Beth nodded and then reached over to take Chloe's hand in hers. Jenny looked jealously at them. She longed for someone to take her hand and hold it like that. 

Jenny was now becoming uncomfortable with the silence. She ran her hands up and down her legs. 

"Who are you?" Mark asked to break the silence. Jenny's head shot up and her eyes widened at the question. Alec leaned forward in his chair eager to hear the answer. 

"Um...Jenny." She answered. Mark shook his head. 

"No, where are you from? I've never seen you before." He continued. Now he was on the edge of his seat. Jenny sighed. 

"Here. I moved here about six months ago." She answered.

"What's your surname?" He asked Jenny. This was a question that Alec had never even thought to ask. He started to realise that he knew less then he thought about her. 

"Silken." She answered Mark, very hesitant. Mark nodded. 

"Parents? What's their names?" He asked. Jenny's eyes widened again. She could feel sweat coming on. Everyone was staring at her. She looked quickly from Alec to Mark, Beth to Chloe and finally Liz. She couldn't take it. She jumped up, knocking her chair over and ran to the door. She didn't even say good-bye to them. She just ran. 

Alec was left with the Latimer's. 

"Sorry about that." He told them. 

"She doesn't like to talk about her parents." He continued. Mark looked at Alec quiestionably. 

"Why?" Mark asked very sternly. Alec swallowed. He wasn't sure if he should be answering this question but he couldn't hide anything from this family. He already had enough. 

"They're both dead." He answered while he looked Mark in the eye. Mark sat back in his seat as the answer ran through his head. Dead. She had no parents. Now he understood why she had run off. He had pressured her. 

"Yeah." Alec said as he started to get up. Beth spoke up again. 

"What else can you tell us about the case?" She asked. Alec paused before he headed to the door. 

"We have Susan Wright in custody at the moment. That's about it I can tell you." He said to them all. Beth nodded and looked down at her feet. Alec turned to the door but brfore he left he asked one more question. 

"Have you ever seen or heard about Jenny or her family?" The Latimer's looked at each other. 

"No, I've never seen her before in my life." Beth answered. Alec looked out the door and then back at the Latimer's. He nodded to them. 

"Ok." He said. He then continued out the door. 

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