pre serum steve x bucky

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bucky awoke in his room to the sound screaming. steve's screaming. he was whimpering, and it sounded like he was even crying. bucky could hear steve scream a few words, but he could only make out one of them.

"bucky!" steve half screamed, half whimpered.

bucky immediately jumped out of his bed and ran into steve's room. "steve?" bucky yelled. he saw his small friend huddled in his bed, sweating and shaking, his face covered in tears. bucky immediately rushed to him.

"steve? are you all right?" he said, placing his hand on the blonds small wrist. steve's eyes fluttered open.

shit. steve thought. he had been in love with bucky for who knows how long, and now he had to embarrass himself in front of him. but to his surprise, when he looked at bucky, the brunette was not laughing at him. instead, he had a deep, concerned look in his eyes.

"steve?" bucky said again. "you were screaming in your sleep."

"what? o-oh yeah im fine. just a nightmare." steve had nightmares pretty often, but usually, he assumed, he didn't scream. apparently, tonight was pretty bad.

"you sure?" bucky asked, gazing at his best friend. "i can stay if you want me to."

steve wanted nothing more than for bucky to stay with him, but he couldn't do that to himself. "yeah, im fine. go back to bed. sorry for waking you."

bucky squeezed steves wrist and stood up. "call me if you need anything, okay?"

steve nodded, gazing at bucky as he left the room. you're so stupid. he thought to himself. with an angry sigh, he closed his eyes and fell back into sleep, but it wasn't long before the nightmares overtook him again.

bucky didn't go back to sleep. as soon as he left steve's room, he wanted to go back.  all he wanted to do was to hold is little friend in his arms and protect him. but, he couldn't. so instead he sat in the dark outside steve's room, staring at the figure on the bed. he couldn't make out any of steve's features, but he could see his chest rise and fall, and that was enough.

soon, steve started to shake. bucky perked up. he wanted to go over there so badly, but he knew he shouldn't. steve was his best friend, but bucky thought of him as more than a best friend. he hated it when he thought this way, but there was nothing he could do. steve would never like him back, he would probably be disgusted if he found out bucky liked guys too. bucky couldn't risk messing something up, and losing steve forever. so instead, he kept watching the small blond shake in his bed.

time passed, but bucky couldn't tell if it had been hours or only a few minutes. watching steve suffer was so painful, and soon the blond he started to whimper and cry. finally, bucky couldn't take it anymore. he couldn't sit there and watch steve and not do anything.

bucky stood up and slowly walked over to steve. he knelt down on the ground so he was face to face with the sleeping, crying boy.

"stevie?" bucky whispered, lightly shaking him. steve moved a bit, but he didn't open his eyes. "buck, i told you, im fine. you don't need to worry about me."

bucky shook his head. "no, you're not. im staying here whether you like it or not."

steve slowly opened his eyes, and was immediately met but bucky's own pair. it was too much. steve turned away and buried his face in the pillow, trying to muffle the sound of his tears. it didn't seem to work though, because bucky started to gently rub his back.

after a few minutes of this, bucky stood up and started to leave the room. steve turned his head. "bucky? i-i thought you were going to stay with me."

bucky turned around, a little shocked, but nonetheless happy. "i was just going to get a chair."

steve looked up, confused. "why would you get a chair? i don't want to make you sit uncomfortably all night. come here." steve patted the bed next to him. he had no idea what he was doing, he just had to remind himself that this wasn't weird or anything. they were just friends. bucky doesn't like him that way.

bucky smiled softly and climbed into the bed next to steve. "goodnight stevie." he whispered. "night' buck." steve murmured, already half asleep.

steve fell asleep super quickly, but bucky just laid there, gazing at his friend. he was almost starting to fall asleep when steve squirmed and his breathing started to get heavier. bucky placed his hand on steves shoulder, trying to steady him, but not wanting to wake him. surprisingly, steve did not wake up, and instead inched closed to bucky.

throughout the next hour or so, steve would randomly whimper or shake, and bucky would always reach out and steady him. and every single time, steve would inch just a little bit closer to bucky till finally they were pressed against each other. steve was very small, yet warm against buckys larger body.

once again, steve let out a cry. bucky reached his hand over the blond and started to rub his back. "shh, shh. you're okay stevie, you're okay."

soon steve calmed down, but bucky didn't move his hand. and soon, he fell asleep like that. steve's chest pressed against his, bucky's hand wrapped around steve, and his chin resting on top of that mop of blond hair.

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