post endgame bucky is sad

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hey!!! ill get around to that request soon hopefully, but i saw this post and i really wanted to write a fic based off it. it's kinda sad i apologize but i hope you enjoy!!
bucky missed steve. he had only seen him a few hours ago, but then again, steve had just gone an entire lifetime without bucky. bucky, his supposed best friend. bucky.. steve had given him that nickname...

sam wilson walked over from behind the bench bucky was sitting on. "hey dude." he said. bucky didnt say anything.

"this thing is pretty cool." said sam. bucky looked up and immediately regretted it. sam was holding steve's shield, only it wasn't steve's anymore.

bucky just nodded, turning his head to look at his lap. sam put the shield down and sat down beside bucky. "you okay?"

bucky shrugged. "you tell me. only hours ago i was sitting here with steve. i thought it was all, finally going to be okay. the war was won, i was myself again, and the two of us were finally together. i thought i finally had it all. but..."

"yeah.. i know. that stupid son of a bitch left us for what? some pussy?" sam rolled his eyes.

bucky smiled a little. "i just.. i still have the rest of my life ahead of me, but he already lived his. i want to be happy for him, i do. he finally got his peace, the girl of his dreams. but yet.."

" can't be happy for him because he was the girl of your dreams." sam finished.

bucky once again, smiled softly. "something like that."

"come on, let's get out of here. go do something. get your mind off that star spangled bitch." sam said, standing up.

"technically, you're that star spangled bitch now." bucky remarked, following him.

"yeah, might have to give this thing a paint job." sam said, picking up the shield. "for both of our sakes."

it had been one week since steve had left him, and despite sam's best efforts, bucky couldn't get his mind off him. actually, it had even gotten worse.

everything seemed to remind bucky of steve. he had already remodeled his entire apartment, tossing pretty much anything and everything. he had even been looking at new places, although sam had drawn the line there.

"you cannot get another apartment! do you remember how hard it was to find this place?"

bucky had donated most of his clothes. if he could remember wearing them around steve, they were going to goodwill. (wanda had yelled at him when she saw bags of perfectly good clothing in the trash)

bucky had rid his life of everything and anything steve. yet there was one thing he couldn't get rid of.

"hey bucky." sam said, walking into the room.

bucky felt a stab in his heart. that was his name for god sakes, but whenever he heard it he thought of steve. steve had given him that nickname.

"hey, bucky? can you hear me?" sam said, waving a hand in his face.

"could you not call me that."

"what? bucky?"

"yeah.. that." bucky took a deep breath. "um... he uh gave me that name. it hurts to hear."

"what the hell do you want me to call you then?" sam asked, a little shocked.

"uh, james?????? you know that's my real name, right?" he laughed a little.

"no?? how was i supposed to know." sam said in confusion. "but whatever you say, james."

[month later]

it had taken a little to get used to, but eventually sam, as well as everyone else had learned to refer to bucky as james. sam told everyone, and of course, who was going to refuse? everyone knew how hard this whole steve situation was for bucky. or i guess it was james now.


sam was visiting steve in the nursing home. although james couldn't handle seeing steve, sam still visited him from time to time. no one had told steve about the new name situation though, at least not yet.

"hey man! how you doing!" sam said, sitting down.

"good! i won at bingo the other day!" steve smiled. "how are you, and everyone."

sam laughed. "good as well."

the two talked for a little, and sam started recounting a funny story.

"and so james walked in.."

"hold on, james?" steve stopped sam. "are you talking about bucky?"

sam stopped. 'shit' he thought. well, the secret was out now. he had to tell steve.

sam took a deep breath and prepared to tell him.

"yeah... uh listen steve. you leaving really hurt him. he purged his entire life of anything that reminded him of you. and that included his name. he goes by james now."

steve stared at sam in shock. "what do you mean he goes by james? you're kidding me. is that why he won't visit me?"

sam shrugged and slowly nodded. "yeah i mean, steve.. you were his best friend. he was in love with you. you told him you were with him till the end of the line but then you left him! he told us not to tell you because he didn't want to hurt you but you know what? you deserve to be hurt because you hurt him, you hurt him a lot. no one wants to stop you from having your happy ending, but you should know that you ruined his."

sam stood up and left, not waiting for steve's reaction. if james had to live the rest of his life with this pain, steve could go the rest of his short one knowing he ruined his best friends life.


hey sorry for that. i know this is more just hating on steve than stucky but i wanted to write it. also this could easily be turned into a winterfalcon fic. if you wanna turn it into one, do it idc just give credit. i just don't ship winterfalcon really but i hope yall enjoyed this ok bye

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