highschool au social anxiety bucky

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hey yall! first of all, thanks so so much for 150 reads!!! second, sorry i haven't updated in a little, i was really busy with finals and everything, but now im finally on summer break! ok, now enjoy :)

bucky walked into his first period class. he had just transferred to a new school. he really, really hoped the other kids couldn't see his nervousness. god, he had already had multiple panic attacks. the day had just started, but all he wanted to do was go home.

bucky was fairly early to class, no way he wanted to show up late. there were only a few kids in the room. the teacher saw him, and approached him. mr. pierce was his name?

"you're the new kid?" he asked.

bucky nodded silently, avoiding his gaze.

"there's an open seat over there." mr. pierce pointed to a seat towards the back of the room.

bucky quickly nodded and hurried over to his seat. thank god it wasn't in the front.

soon, more and more kids started to file in. he just tried to keep his head down, focus on something else. ignore the looks from his new classmates. he stared at his pencil. it was yellow. pink eraser. he chewed his nails nervously. take a deep breath, in and out, in and out, in an—

"hey! can you hear me?" suddenly, bucky was brought back to the present by a tap on his shoulder. the slight calmness he had gained was immediately washed away by floods of anxiety.

staring at him was a tall blond kid. he had a slight smirk on his face.

'shit.' bucky thought. 'another big, popular bully. and he's sitting right next to me'

bucky just stared and swallowed nervously, then turned back to look at his pencil. 'in and out, in and out, you're okay bucky goddamn it you're okay.'

"you new?" said the blond kid.

bucky nodded quickly. 'please just shut up.' he thought. please, talk to anyone else. anyone but me.'

"im steve. steve rogers." the blond kid said, reaching out his hand.

bucky stared at steve's hand in disbelief. either someone was actually being nice for once, or this kid was really intent on making a fool out of bucky.

"im um- uh my name is um- uh bucky. barnes. buck- bucky bar- barnes." he muttered, stumbling over every word. jesus christ, he couldn't even say a single sentence.

steve slowly took his hand back when bucky didn't shake it. "um, you ok?" he asked with concern.

'how long is this passing period?' bucky thought, staring at the clock. why couldn't the bell just ring, and he'd be free of this conversation.

bucky nodded, his gaze not shifting. 'come on.' he willed the bell. finally, it rang and mr. pierce started the lesson. steve turned away and bucky was free from his talking, for now.


bucky had somehow managed to survive half of the day. bucky headed into the cafeteria, and immediately regretted it. so many kids, who were all probably staring at him. (they weren't, literally no one cared) the food was all the way across the room, and to get there he would have to walk past everyone. quickly, bucky decided against it. he could eat at home. he turned around and walked out of the lunchroom.

"hey!" he heard a voice from behind him. he recognized it as steve, the blond from earlier. almost immediately, his heart started to hammer in his chest. but bucky kept walking. he doubted steve was even talking to him. why would steve be talking to him? imagine if he turned around, and steve was really talking to the pretty blonde girl bucky saw ahead of him. god, that'd be so embarrassing. so, bucky kept walking.

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