uh title?? its cute. read it.

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"hey man." bucky said as he wandered into steve's room.

"oh, hey!" steve smiled, looking up. "you ready for tony's party tonight?" he asked.

bucky shrugged. "i guess." he murmured quietly. truth is, he wasn't looking forward to it all that much.

"what's wrong?" steve frowned. he could always tell when something was bothering bucky. the two friends were inseparable after all.

bucky sat down next to steve. "i don't know, im just scared of seeing everyone. i don't think they like me very much. ex-assassin and everything." he sighed, pointing to himself at the last part.

steve put his hand on bucky's thigh. the touch sent sparks throughout buckys body. "dont worry buck, everyone loves you. they understand none of it was your fault. you know that right? that none of it was your fault?"

bucky remained silent. it took all he had to stop himself from crying right now.

steve grabbed bucky's hand, sending the brunette even more tingling feelings. "buck?"

bucky turned to steve. he couldn't seem to help the tears welling up in his eyes. he still didn't say anything. steve pulled him into a tight hug, and the two stayed like that for what seemed like forever. completely silent, except for the sound of each other's breathing.

finally, steve pulled away. "im gonna go get ready, okay?" he said, squeezing bucky's hand and getting up. bucky just nodded.

— later at the party —

steve was already there, laughing with his friends on the couch. bucky walked in, and was immediately overwhelmed by all the loud music, and all the people.

"bucky, over here!" steve called when he spotted his friend. bucky slowly walked over, and sat next to steve, looking down. steve put his arm around bucky and patted his shoulder. before he released him, he leaned into his ear and whispered "you okay?" bucky nodded, although it was hardly convincing.

"come on, let's get a picture!" tony yelled. all the avengers squeezed together as the iron man suit took the photo, but bucky didn't move. "barnes! come over here and sit on your boyfriends lap!" tony yelled, slapping steve's thigh. everyone laughed and cheered. they were clearly super drunk. bucky immediately went super red in the face and mumbled something. "can't hear you." tony sighed. bucky spoke a little louder. "he's not my boyfriend." tony shook his head. "wrong answer, now come here." steve gave bucky an apologetic grin. it was clear there was no way they were getting out of this.

slowly, bucky walked over. steve grabbed his hand and pulled him into his lap. once again, all the very drunk avengers laughed and cheered.

steve latched his arms around bucky's waist, but as soon as the photo was taken, bucky quickly scooted off.

"someone get this man a drink!" natasha yelled as she played with bucky's arm, clearly annoying him.

"nat, he can't get drunk either." steve sighed.

"i came prepared!" boomed thor, pulling out his special asgardian mead. steve let out a laugh before he could stop himself. he hasn't seen bucky drunk since the 30s, and boy was bucky fun when he was drunk.

—a little while later—

steve seriously could not stop laughing as he watched a very drunk bucky barnes dance by himself. bucky was great at 40's dancing, sure. but give him some modern music and that poor boy is clueless. he seemed to be having fun though.

bucky spun around till he found steve. once he did he pointed at him, and gestured for steve to come join him. steve laughed and shook his head.

the rest of the avengers booed.

"come on capsicle, go dance with your boyfriend!" tony laughed, pushing steve up there.

bucky grabbed his hand and pulled him to the center of the dance floor.

"buck, you know i can't dance." steve sighed.

bucky didn't care. he grabbed steve and twirled him around, laughing and stumbling around. steve had to admit, he was having fun.

soon the song ended, and a slow one picked up. steve looked around in surprise.

"you're welcome!" tony laughed, blowing them a kiss.

steve rolled his eyes and turned back to bucky. "we don't have to-" steve started to say, but bucky grabbed him and pulled him closer. bucky wrapped his arms around steve's neck and buried his face into his shoulder, humming lightly to the tune of the song.

steve smiled and wrapped his arms around bucky's waist. the two stood there, swaying back in forth till the song eventually ended.

the avengers started to cheer and applaud. "keep it going!" tony yelled to the dj.

steve stroked the back of bucky's head gently. "hey buck?" no answer. "buckkyyyyy." steve sung. there was still no answer. then, he heard a faint snore. bucky had passed out.

steve chuckled. "i think we'll be leaving now." he told the rest of the avengers. the ones that weren't sleeping winked and smirked at him. "have fun!"

steve gently picked bucky up bridal style and carried him back to their little apartment in the avengers facility.

steve laid bucky gently on his bed, and tucked him in. without thinking, he kissed his forehead. "goodnight bucky."

steve sighed and sat down on a comfy arm chair in the living room, not yet ready to fall asleep. this past day felt like some blurry dream.

steve gazed out the window, staring at the dark sky and city lights. suddenly, he found his thoughts wandering to bucky. bucky.. his best friend, maybe more than a best friend. he didn't know whether or not to hope bucky would remember this night.

then, he heard some banging coming towards him. he quickly whipped around, ready to fight. but standing there was only a drunk and sleepy bucky barnes. his eyes were half closed, and it was clear he had stumbled all the way here, knocking things down in the process.

"you're supposed to be asleep." he smiled.

"i wanted to see my stevie." bucky murmured.

"come here." steve reached out his hand and pulled bucky into his lap. buckys legs were around steve, the two of them facing each other.

steve gazed longingly at the beautiful man in front of him. his best friend. his best friend that steve was pretty sure he had feelings for and that bucky felt the same way.

steve had his arms wrapped around bucky's waist, and was gently rubbing his lower back.

"hey stevie?" bucky whispered.

"yeah buck?"

"can i kiss you?"

steve was greatly shocked over this sudden question. he tried to form an answer but it wouldn't come. but he hated to leave bucky hanging. slowly, he reached his hand to the top of bucky's head. steve leaned closer until their lips were just barley touching.

finally, steve went for it and pushed his lips against bucky's. bucky returned the kiss and so the two of them were making out.

after ages of kissing and touching steve pulled away. he pulled bucky closer to him and positioned him so that bucky was sitting sideways, his head resting on steve's chest.

they sat like that for a while, steve mindlessly playing with bucky's hair.

"i love you buck." steve whispered, but bucky had seemed to once again have fallen asleep.

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