john deacon

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*i got this part of this from another imagines book, i can't remember which one though lol*
also before i begin this whole thing, im going to be writing in first person, and sometimes third.

the clock on the wall was ticking slowly, each hand going around counter-clockwise every second of every day. i stared at it now, my good friend mary austin sat next to me, watching the small box of a television in the living room.

i sighed loudly, rolling my eyes into the back of my head as i fell backwards onto the couch. mary chuckled, "im sure he'll call."

"i really like him, you know?" i said blankly, my eyes drifting up to the white ceiling, watching the dust and god knows what else up there.

"freddie said he'll ring, so he will. just be patient, love."

i shook my head, getting up and placing myself next to mary, i placed my hand on her shoulder, forcing her to look at me, "look, mary. its so easy for you. freddie loves you, you love him... ba da bing, ba da bong. easy peasy." i continue, as she looks at me interestingly, "but for me, i dont know. im not good around guys."

"and john isnt good around girls. he's a shy guy. you're a mildly shy girl." she shrugs, and i push her slightly.

i laugh, "shut up."

suddenly, the phone on the wall started ringing, and my eyes popped open like an old mailbox. mary muttered a small 'i told you so.' but i ignored her, watching as she walked so slowly over to the phone.

"mary! hurry up! they're gonna think im not home for christ's sake!" i babbled, my stomach rolling over itself.

"hello?" mary picked up the phone, smiling evilly at me, "oh, yes. she's right here. i'll give her the phone now."

she kept nodding, listening to what the person was saying, "oh shush, fred! just give him the phone.... what? no, this is mary."

after a couple seconds, mary extended the phone from the wall, the long cord following after her as she walked the couple steps to get to me, who was still sitting on the couch.

i took the phone from her hands, "hello? y/n speaking."

i heard freddie in the background talking to who i assumed was roger or brian.
"h-hey, its john."

my heart skipped a beat, but i kept myself composed, "hey, whats up?"

"darling! just ask her, it really isnt that hard." i heard freddie, and i bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"shut up, fred!" john said, and i heard fred snicker in the background, "sorry about that. um, well i wanted to ask you something."

i smiled, "what would that be?" i held the phone closer to my ear, as mary sat down next to me, watching the television again.

"well, i um. freddie! shut up! sorry," he muttered, "i just wanted to know if you'd, you know, i dont know, maybe wanna grab a cup of coffee or something like just the two of us-"

"like a date?" i said bluntly, and mary's eyes widened, so did mine, knowing what i had just said.

john stayed quiet, and i closed my eyes, sighing, "o-or not, you know? thats fine."

"no! no. i'd love to." john replied, and my heart warmed at the thought.

"really?" my smile had never been bigger, and i giggled at mary austin quietly, who was now biting her lip in confusion and excitement.

i heard the phone move around, "yeah, of course. so when will it be?"

"oh, you know me, john. i've never got a single thing going on. its completely up to you."

"ok.... ok. will tomorrow for lunch do well?" he asked, and i bit my lip.

i felt my cheeks reddening, "of course."

"ok, i will um, i'll see you then."

i nodded, "bye, john. tell freddie and the others i said hello."

"will do. bye, love."

i quickly got off the couch to hang up, and when i did, mary was quickly next to me, asking me all about it.

"its a date." i said, almost out of breath, "tomorrow, i think he said, for uh, lunch."

mary's eyes lit up, "that's great, y/n!"

i smiled, hoping that everything goes well.


HEY. i have no idea if this is any good, and it isn't edited at all, so have fun pointing out my grammatical errors :")

also i know how ya'll are, and i've seen most of the other imagine - and fanfic books - about the cast and/or band, and i know you guys like smut because ya'll are nAsty.

anyway, im not too sure whether i'll be doing that just yet, but stay tuned because you never know :)

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