roger taylor

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can i just say, im not judging roger in any way lol. he mightn't have even been like this back then, but i'm just taking an eDucational guess, so dont hate.
not edited

i do not particularly like roger taylor. not only did he shag every thing with two legs and a heart beat, but he was just plain rude. and he was only rude to me, well, because i didn't want to be one of his toys. i did not want to be played around with.

the boys' knew this, and whenever roger would flirt with me, it was - to say the least - hilarious for them. at moments i'd look over, brian with his mouth hanging open, gripping onto freddie as they laughed in union, while john stood in the doorway, trying not to piss himself.

i didn't understand what was so funny, i never did, and today, i intended to find out. as i waltzed into brian's flat, i noticed the rest of the guys sitting on the couch.

"hello, everyone." i greeted, avoiding roger's gaze on me.

freddie stood up, glancing at roger before myself, "hello, darling." he picked up romeo from the couch, "i decided to bring over little romeo because well, i know you love him."

my eyes lit up, "aw, fred. you didn't have to xo that." i smiled widely at romeo, as freddie placed him into my hands.

romeo meowed at the loss of freddie, but snuggled close to me when he felt warm once again. i smiled down at him, sitting on the couch next to john, who was reading a book.

"hey, john." i mumbled, glancing over at the book he was reading, "whatcha reading?"

i felt the couch lift, as someone got up next to me, and then a presence sat next to me, the couch dipping again.

john looked over at me, then at romeo, "oh, nothing interesting. i picked it up from freddie's. he said it was mary's."

"oh, you're keeping it?" i asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

john immediately shook his head, "no, no. just borrowing it. i don't read very much anymore, so."

i nodded, returning my interest to romeo, who had basically fallen asleep by now. his little head was burrowed into my elbow, the warmness filling me up with happiness.

"freddie, i said i was going to-" i heard brian's voice from the kitchen, "oh, y/n. hello. what are you doing here?"

i raised my eyebrows, "i basically live here, bri."

he nodded, instantly agreeing with me, he stepped back, smiling as he slouched down on the couch two seats over from romeo and i.

this is when i got a look at the person who was sitting next to me. it wasn't freddie like i had hoped, but it was roger, grinning like a little boy at me.

i sighed, "hello, roger."

"hey." was all he said.

i couldn't help but smile. this boy was such an idiot, but he always made me smile, whether i liked it or not.

"you think i'm an idiot, don't you?" he asked, facing the small television in front of all of us.

everyone else was quiet, and i raised my eyebrow at the boy, "yes. i do. how'd you know?" i asked, almost sarcastically.

i hear freddie scoff from the other room, "you two are just made for each other!"

i blush, and brian chuckles. "shut up, bri." i say, embarrassment clouding my thoughts.

roger nudged my shoulder, "he's right you know?"

"oh you shut it too." i spit, "why are you always flirting with me, anyway?"

"you're cute. i like cute." he says, and i roll my eyes, standing up.
i walk over to freddie just in the doorway, handing him romeo, who purrs softly, "hold
him for a sec, i may just punch rog in the face."

"so, i'm just another potential play thing to you? you know what, roger," i walk over to him, and i see brian and john exchange looks, "i don't like the way that you treat other girls-"

he stands up, his eyebrows raising, "what, jealous much?"

i scoff at him, watching from the corner of my eye as bri and john walk over to freddie in the doorway, "no, no. definitely not! i'm not going to be jealous of some whore, okay? i'm just saying, if you really think that you'll ever get me in bed as one of your play things, think again, rog."

i turn to walk away, ready to leave him speechless, but instead, he pulls back on my arm, and i come face-to-face with him.

with my nose almost touching his, i hear freddie ushering out brian and john, closing the door quietly behind them.

"i'm not doing this with you." i mutter, looking at his lips.

he smiles, "are you sure?" he kisses my neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses down to my collarbone.

i sigh, placing my hands on his shoulders and pushing him away slightly. slightly.
he looks at me, i look at him, and i smile too.

"i'm not going to be one of your things, rog."

"you won't be." he kisses my cheek, "you're so much more than that." he mutters.

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