john deacon

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the roller coaster lurched itself up the steep hill, as john sat next to me, his heart almost leaping out of his chest.

i giggled, holding his hand, "john, you'll be fine!"

"when i said we needed to get away from the boys i thought- i thought, you know? bali. australia. america. not this wack thing." he replied, shaking in his seat.

i smiled at him, "john, look at me." he looked over at me, the sweat evident on his face, "this is fun. look, you're all strapped in. and it's not like we're going upside down. just... maybe don't look down, is all i'm saying."

he gave a half-hearted smile, "right! yeah, no, i can do that." he glanced over the side of the roller coaster, and quickly jumped back into his seat, shutting his eyes tightly.

"y/n. y/n i looked. i looked down. it's so high up. this isn't fun." he whined, and i smiled, the roller coaster stopping at the top of the hill, waiting to roll over and down.

"john, just hold my hand."

"i love you, y/n. i don't say it enough. i love you. i love you. i love you."

before i could reply, the roller coaster flew down the steep tracks, and my stomach burst into a million flames. i raised both of my hands, one of johns up too.

all i could hear was the wind in one ear, and john screaming in the other.

"that wasn't so bad, was it?" i hugged john as we got off the ride, and he hugged back, a scared look evident on his face.

"next time, bali. okay?" was all the poor guy said, and i smiled.

"next time, bali. sounds good, john."

this reminds me of joe lmaooo

this is really short so i apologize but i'm kinda running out of ideas. comment any below, i take requests!

also.. bali? yes. i'm that person in the fandom.

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