roger taylor {2}

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the next day, i had made myself comfortable in bed for majority of it, but when roger stumbled into the room, bottle of alcohol in hand, i smiled, getting up to follow him out.

we both sat on the couch, and he poured out a glass of wine for me, then whiskey for himself. "how's your day been? didn't see you much today." i mumbled, knowing that was probably my fault since i barely left the bed.

"oh, well i went to practice, you know? same old, same old." he nodded to himself, and i smiled, resting my head on his shoulder.

"i've been so tired, all day. gosh, i don't know why." i said, letting my eyes close for a minute or two.

i lifted my head, and roger had scrunched his eyes at me, before taking my wine out of my hand and placing it on the counter next to his whiskey.

he raced out of the door, shouting a quick, "stay here, i'll be back."

i groaned, lying down on the couch. i looked at the clock, it read 2:00pm. we still had hours until the day finally came to a close and i could sleep.

an itchy feeling came to my stomach, and my hand flew to my mouth. knowing i was about to vomit, i ran as quickly as i could to the bathroom, and emptied all of my lunch into the toilet. coughing a couple times, i got up, before flopping back down again for another round.

i meant my head on the toilet seat afterwards, just waiting for roger to get home.

after five or so minutes, i heard the door open, and roger ran in. i heard the keys jingling, and they louder as he got closer to me.

he opened the bathroom door, revealing me, sitting there with vomit in the toilet. i quickly flushed it, not wanting to see it again.

"baby, what happened?" he asked, crouching down next to me.

i shrugged, "i don't know. i just had this feeling, and so i ran in here and.. well. you know."

he nodded, passing over something in a small package. my eyes furrowed, "what's this?"

"pregnancy test. we've gotta be sure." he leaned his fore head on mine, before kissing it. he held out his hand for me to take, to which i did, before he sat in the opposite corner of the room, not wanting to leave me at all.

after doing what was needed to done, i sat the test on the bathroom counter, and i asked roger to pass me the package. wait another five minutes afterwards.

"we have to wait five minutes, now." i mumbled, getting up and walking over to him.

he got up too, pulling me in for a hug, "if it's positive... are- are you going to keep it? it's totally fine if you do, and i'll be absolutely bloody ecstatic, but i had to ask."

i nodded slowly, "i think i'll want to keep it."

five minutes past, and i picked up the test. 2 lines for pregnant, 1 for not. i glanced at the lines, and my heart stopped.

"how many lines?" roger asked, and i turned around, smiling a little at him.

"two." i stopped to look down at it again, "rog, i'm pregnant."

roger's smile widened so much, and he pulled me in for a tight hug, "are you serious? are we sure? oh my gosh! y/n, i'm gonna be a dad! and you're gonna be a mum.."

he smiled at me once more, and i pulled him in for another hug.

"well," he raced out of the bathroom again, and i heard things fumbling in the living space, "this seems like a good time..." he ran back and got on one knee. my eyes widened as he spoke again, "to do this."

"rog-" i stopped myself, listening to what he had to say.

"y/n. i love you. and i know that bri and anita probably gave you an idea that this was happening soon and i apologise for ruining the surprise but.. shit happens." we both giggled, and i felt a sharp tea roll down my face.

"but i love you. more than i've we're loved anyone. you come first, and hell- we're gonna be parents!" he latched one hand onto my thigh, "and you'll be a great mother. so... y/n l/n, will you marry me?"

my jaw dropped as more tears began to follow, and at this point i hadn't even noticed the small blue box that he pulled out and opened. without even looking at the ring, i nodded, "yes. oh my gosh, definitely!"

before even standing up, he slipped the ring on my finger, which i know got a chance to look at. it was beautiful. a couple carats. one diamond in the middle, only a small one, but it was still gorgeous.

he got up and hugged me, "i love you, roger taylor." i mumbled into his ear.

he chuckled, "and i love you, soon-to-be y/n taylor."

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