roger taylor {1}

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i sat behind the large camera man, mary to my left as we watched the boys get interviewed. this wasn't the first time roger had dragged me along to watch an interview, so i wasn't surprised when he'd asked me to come to this one.

"so, boys how do you keep the band together? after such a long period of time?" the interviewer asked, and the interviewee's looked at each other, waiting for someone to respond.

i glanced over at mary, my eyebrows scrunched together as the band had only been together for 7 or 8 years. freddie coughed, shifting in his seat, "well, it's just a whole lot of communication. that's the key, really."

brian nodded and began talking. i looked over to roger, who was already staring back at me. i smiled, beckoning him to listen to the conversation.

but he just winked and shrugged, even though the camera was firmly on him by this point. "roger?" john nudged him, and roger snapped out of it. he glanced at me one more time before speaking again, "sorry, what was the question?"

mary leaned over to me to whisper in my ear, "he really loves you, you know?"

i bit my lip, nodding, "it goes two ways."

mary nodded, sighing, and i paid all attention to the interview again.

— — —

all six of us - brian, freddie, roger, anita, john and myself - walked into the bar, all taking a seat at the bar. roger leaned over to me, "you can go take a seat, love. i'll get your drinks."

i blushed at the nickname, 'love', but nodded, and went to the nearest table. anita was quick to join me, brian after.

we weren't talking much at all, until anita stopped whispering to brian and spoke aloud, "y/n."

i lifted my head up, looking at them with wide eyes, not expecting to be spoken to. anita and i were friends, but whenever brian was around, they would always do 'lovey dovey things' as john would call it.

"yeah?" i replied, and brian shook his head.

"has roger... you know?" anita leaned across the table, almost whispering to me.

my eyebrows scrunched together, "has he what?"

"has he..." she tried to make the topic more obvious for me with hand actions, "you know?"

"anita just say it. i'm not good at charades, you know?"


my eyes widened, and i shook my head no. anita's widened after that, and she looked at brian.

"oh. right. well. uhm.. i'm sorry. i'll... be right back." she sped off to the bathroom, and i watched her with confused eyes.

i glanced back at brian, wanting to talk to him about it, but everyone else had just sat down at the table. roger placed a hand on my thigh, and every now and then he'd rub little circles on it with his thumb.

i look over at him, "i love you, you know?"

he nodded, "of course i do, love. and i love you too."

part two coming soon

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