gwilym lee

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gwilym and i sat down in the small restaurant. it hadn't been very big, but i didn't mind, as chinese food excited me too much.

gwilym day in front of me, smiling over at me. "what do you think you're gonna get?" he asked, picking up one of the two menus on the table.

i shrugged, biting my lip as i thought, "maybe the chow mein. i could really go for some of that right now."

gwilym nodded, "yeah, i might get some... some mapo doofoo? mapo doofoo?"

i laughed at him, "you mean the mapo doufu?"

gwilym nodded, "yeah, sure, that."

i giggled, staring at him like he was some greek god. to me, he really was. he looked him, and his eyebrows furrowed, "what are you staring at, weirdo?"

"i love you." i murmured, smiling. gwilym reaches over and grabbed my hand on the table.

"i love you too. so much."

i smiled as i saw a waiter walk over to us, "what can i get you guys?"

gwilym looked at me, and i spoke, "i'll just get some chow mein, please."

"and you, sir?" the waiter asked, glancing up at gwilym while writing my order on the notepad.

i saw gwilym gulp, and i held in my giggle. "i'll have the uhm. the m-mapo doofoo?"

the waiter smiled uncomfortably, and i laughed, "he means the mapo doufu, please."

the waiter smiled at me, "all right. i'll have those out soon, with your drinks which would be..?"

"pinot noir? if that's possible." i spoke, and the waiter nodded eagerly.

"yeah of course, and you?"

gwilym shrugged, "bottle of corona?" and again, the waiter smiled, nodding.

"i'll be right back with those." i watched as he walked away, and as soon as he was out of hearing range, i turned to gwilym.

"pinot noir in a bloody chinese restaurant? who knew?" i giggled, and gwilym nodded.

"i didn't even think they would have corona in here, but." he shrugged, and i smiled.


after getting our food, we both dig in immediately. they food was amazing, and i think i mentioned that we should come here more often more than 3 times to gwilym.

he seemed nervous for something, which made me nervous, but whenever i would ask, he wouldn't answer, or he'd throw the thought away and say something like, "i'm fine, baby."

as i had another mouthful of the chow mein, gwilym placed his hand on mine, "i love you, you know that right?"

my heart stopped. he was going to break up with me. oh no. had i done something wrong? we'd been together for so long, is he sure about this.

"what's wrong, gwil?" i asked, swallowing the chow mein.

he got up off his seat, reaching into his pants pocket, before kneeling next to me on the floor. that's where my heart really stopped.

he grinned up at me nervously, as people started to point and stare. they were probably realizing that it was gwilym.

"y/n l/n. i have loved you since the day i met you," he said, his hands still in his pockets, "and i think i will, forever. i believe that nothing will ever tear us apart, and-" he pulls out a small black box from his pocket, opening it up to reveal a silver ring with 4 diamonds on it, "and you deserve the world. all of it. and i would be honored to call you my wife. so, y/n l/n, will you marry me?"

i sat on the chair, tears in my eyes as gwilym (like everybody else in that bloody chinese restaurant) waited for an answer. i sniffled, nodding, "yes. yes, of course, gwilym!"

first, he hugged me, so tight that i almost couldn't hear the claps around me. then, he pulled back, slipping the little diamond onto my finger. then i hugged him again, pulling him close and whispering in his ear, "i love it. and i love you."

"'y/n lee'. i love the sound of that, and you, of course."

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