rami malek

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y/s/n- your son's name

rami stood in the doorway, y/s/n in my lap as i read him his favourite book; hairy maclary. i read the words out loud to him, the small 5 year old only just learning how to read.

i glanced up at rami as i finished a sentence on the last page, and he crossed his arms, leant on the doorway and smiled at me. i smiled, back, kissing y/s/n on the head.

"mama, does that say y-you?" he asked me, and i glanced at the word he pointed at. i smiled, nodding.

"yeah! it does. how smart are you?" i asked, and he grinned.

"i'm very smart." he yawned, and i glanced at my watch.

"okay, well we need to get you into bed, don't we?" i picked him up, putting him in bed and tucking him in.

rami walked over, snaking his arm around my waist as he leant down and kissed y/s/n on the forehead, "goodnight, buddy. see you tomorrow?"

"goodnight. love you, daddy. love you mommy." he replied, and i smiled.

"goodnight. light on?" i asked, pointing to his night light.

he nodded, pulling the covers up to his chin, "yes please."

"ok, goodnight." rami asked, and we left the room, leaving the door open for the light from the bathroom to shine inside.

i followed rami out to the living room, sitting next to him on the couch. he pulled me closer, and i leant my head on his chest.

"wanna watch a movie?" he asked me quietly, and i nodded.

"you can choose, i don't mind." i cuddled closer to him, as he grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"actually i might just go to sleep, is that okay?" i asked, glancing up at him.

he smiled, nodding slightly, "of course, you can go here if you like."

i nodded, "that would be nice. goodnight."

"goodnight, love."


i woke up the next morning in bed. the comfy covers cuddled me and i rolled over, expecting to roll right into rami's arms. instead i was met with emptiness.

i sighed, getting out of bed and rubbing my eyes. i looked at myself in the mirror as i passed, one of rami's shirts hanging loosely down to my mid thighs.

trodding down the stairs, i could hear rami talking to  y/s/n and i smiled to myself. as i turned the corner, y/s/n was in his high chair, eating his food, while rami made pancakes in front of him.

i walked up to them both, ruffling what hair y/s/n had so far, before wrapping my arms around rami's waist from behind.

"whatcha making?" i asked, trying to get my chin over his shoulder.

rami chuckled, turning around and showing me. he wrapped his arm around my waist, "pancakes. you want some?"

my eyes widened, "yes please!"

rami grinned, kissing me sweetly. i kissed back, before returning to y/s/n. "hi there. how's the food that daddy made?"

he only nodded, "good!"

i smiled, crouching down and turning to look at rami, who had a gigantic smile on his face.

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