john deacon

713 10 0

date at local restaurant
i slipped into my pale blue dress that fluffed out from my waist. i looked at myself in the mirror and drew in a deep breath. with barely any makeup on besides some blush and mascara, i was ready to go.

i grabbed my white coat and my purse, calling out to john, "john? are you ready?"

i heard some fumbling around in the other room, before he stumbled out of the bathroom, looking as handsome as ever. i bit my lip, smiling up at him. he grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him, "you look gorgeous, my dear."

i giggled, glancing at his suit, "you don't look too bad yourself. and you're starting to sound like fred, you know?"

he scoffed, holding out his arm for me to take, "fred? no! never. i love him and all but i don't talk like him."

i linked my arm with his as we walked out of the house, "'my dear'" i mocked him, and he pushed me slightly as we began walking down the driveway.

john thought it would be better to walk to the restaurant, we'd have more quality time together and we could talk more, rather than driving in john's car. i'd agreed, knowing that the restaurant was only a block or two away.

i held my purse in my hand, johns arm in the other as we walked along the pavement, the moon shining down on us.

"so, how's recording going?" i asked slightly, looking up at him.

he glanced at my lips, "really good. roger won't stop going on about this song he wrote, 'i love my car'? or something like that. it's a tad bit... off. but he seems to love it."

i chuckled, "he's probably just proud. i mean, it's roger we're talking about."

john nodded, pulling my closer as the wind started to pick up, "that's very true. aren't you cold?" he glanced down at my legs, which we held tightly in tan-ish coloured stockings.

i shook my head, "remember, i was walking all over town today trying to find the perfect store to get a good donut, but i couldn't find one anywhere!"

"oh, yes, you forgot to tell me the rest of that story..."

i nodded, waving my hand in the air dramatically, "well, i had been over town all day, my legs were killing me. i finally got back home at 3pm, just before you got home. brian rings and asks if i'd like a donut and coffee on the way home when he'd drop you off! how ridiculous!"

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