joe mazzello

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it was christmas eve, and all my family had fallen asleep. whether that be on a chair in the living room, or in their actual beds for the holidays, they slept there.

joe and i were the only ones awake, as we still had some presents to wrap. we both sat at the dining table, at least four presents to the side, while i held the sticky tape ready to go when needed.

"we have to be quiet." i muttered when joe dropped the whole roll of wrapping paper.

his eyes crinkled as he hoped it wouldn't be a loud noise but, of course it was.

i giggled, picking it up and getting back to work. "so how many people are staying here tonight anyway?" joe asked, taking the sticky tape out of my hand and putting some on the wrapping paper.

i shrugged, "more than 10, i know that. maybe 13?" i had a lot of people over in the family, and i have to admit, it is a pain in the ass sometimes to have the biggest house in the family during the holidays.

joe shrugged, "where did you say i was sleeping again?"

my eyes popped open, completely forgetting where i was gonna put joe, "uhh," i wondered, there might be some room in the living room, although that's where the kids are..

i had invited joe over for christmas because he couldn't book any planes whatsoever to get back to his. of course, he kindly accepted, but i felt bad for him because he couldnt spend christmas with his family.

joe chuckled, "how about here?" he roamed his hands over the dining table, before placing down on the floor our second present wrapped and done.

i giggled, "yeah, on this glass thing? what a good idea. hey, i guess you could just crash with me. i do have a big bed, after all."

i noticed joe's eyes widen a bit, but he didn't seem to say anything about it, "yeah, yeah. that'll do just fine."

after we had finished wrapping the presents, we had to sneak into the living room to put them under the tree without waking any of the kids up.

"you first." i whispered to joe, "don't step on anyone's head."

joe snorted quietly, and i nudged him to go. he walked quickly and quietly, on his tippy toes, as i did the same. once we got to the tree, which of course was right in the corner, we quietly placed the presents under the tree, then hustled our way out.

"okay. good job." we high-fives (quietly), before i decided i was going to bed.

i looked at the clock on the wall. 12:06am. christmas. i smiled, looking at joe, "merry christmas."

joe smiled back, "merry christmas." he kissed my cheek as i pulled him in for a hug and my stomach swirled with butterflies.

once making it back to my room, i got into bed, and joe got in after me. it was quite cold, but of course i didn't mention that. but joe did.

"far out, it's cold in here don't you think?" he said, almost shivering.

"yeah, actually. do you want me to go get more blankets?" i asked, turning over to face him.

he considered it, before shaking his head, "we can just-" he pulled me closer to him, tangling my legs in his, "do this. now, we're warm."

i giggled slightly, "yeah i like this. goodnight joe."

"merry christmas."

ew i hate this

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