freddie mercury

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i groaned loudly as i sat on the couch, deaky sitting next to me, a book in hand as he stared mercilessly into it, reading the words like he had been for the past half hour. i looked from him over to brian sitting on the chair across from us, resting his head on his hand as he tried not to leap out of his seat and slap the two other members of queen.

roger and freddie were standing in front of us, yelling in each other's faces, in the middle of an argument.

roger pointed a finger argumentatively in freddie's face, who raised his eyebrows, obviously wondered where roger had gotten the balls to do such a thing.

"you! you! freddie, it's your fault that i got drunk that night!" roger argued, screaming in freddie's face like a young child.

freddie scoffed, "you're the one who was shoving those bottles of vodka and tequila down your throat like candy, roger. i'm surprised you didn't barf."

deaky giggled next to me, "that's not the only thing going down his throat."

roger's head snapped to deaky's, who remained looking at his book, completely unbothered.

"and what are you suggesting, deacon?" roger asked, walking slowly over to him.

i groaned louder, letting my head rest on the chair behind me. "can't we all just... get along?"

freddie looked at me, smiling slightly, "dear, i'd love that, but roger over here is just.. well. he's something. isn't he?"

roger rolled his eyes at freddie, still waiting for john's answer, "well, deaky. go on, then."

deaky looked up, "you know exactly what i'm implying, roger."

roger pushed deaky further into the couch, which i don't think john minded, but he still got up, "don't talk shit, john."

i got up, noticing roger getting dangerously close to the other queen member, "slow down. slow down. we're not fighting. you guys are best friends, now act like it! and roger," he looked at me as i pushed him away from deaky, who sank back into the couch, "freddie's right. you drank a lot that night. just because fred offered you a drink, doesn't mean he's responsible for the whole thing."

"we lost a whole fucking night of songwriting, y/n. do you not realise that?" roger snapped back, and freddie stood in front of me.

"roger, you better stop there." freddie said sternly, and i placed a hand on his shoulder.

"fred, lets just go outside." i said, and he glanced at me, before following me outside.

i sighed and leaned up against the wall, "are you okay?"

he nodded, "i just didn't like roger talking to you like that, darling."

i nodded too, pulling him in for a hug, "well i'm okay. thank you, by the way."

freddie smiled, nodding, hugging me tighter.

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