joe mazzello

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i stepped into 7-11, joe and ben trailing behind me. the scent of chips and soda filled our noses as we made our way over to the packet of chips aisle.

"oh, what if i video this?" joe asked, grabbing his phone out of his dress pants.

ben raised his eyebrows, running his fingers through his hair a couple times, "we've just come here from the oscars, you wanna draw more attention to us by filming?"

i nodded enthusiastically, "of course, ben." i bent down to grab a packet of my favourite chips, making sure my black dress didn't hike up my thighs anymore than it already had.

"what do you want, joe?" i asked, looking back at him. he glanced up from his phone, shrugging. i sighed, turning slightly to look at ben, "how about you, ben?"

"uh, i don't know. i'm gonna get some gum, though. just grab me any chips i don't care."

i nodded to myself, "'just grab me any chips i don't care' that sure helps."

joe chuckled behind me, bending down next to me, "i'm pretty sure he like barbecue chips."

my eyes widened, "b-barbecue chips? are you joking?"

joe shook his head, a grin on his face, "course not. i'd never lie to you."

i smiled, standing up and pulling him in for a hug, "thanks for letting me come tonight."

"thank you for tagging along. you really think i'd be able to sit there with him next to me the whole night bickering about who has the best legs?" he pointed over at ben, who was at the gum section still, "it's me, obviously, but i didn't want to argue with him for so long."

i nodded, "i can barely stand him now that i know he likes barbecue chips. how do you do it?" i asked sarcastically.

joe shrugged, "i don't know. it's magic or something."

we both looked at each other and burst out laughing. joe pulled me in for another hug, kissing me lightly on the cheek.

"c'mon love birds, let's pay for this crap." ben called out, and joe and i blushed, pulling away from each other.

joe pulled out his phone and began recording as we went to the counter.

"just been to the oscars." joe mentioned, wiggling his eyebrows and pointing at the camera.

i really like this one 🥺

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