Chapter 2: Deal with Jack and Borderlands 1

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Disclaimer: There will be massive changes to the Borderlands; 1, 2, and Pre-Sequel timelines. I did Moxxi's battle dome she is now mine, she told me she'd see me again if I ever came to Elpis. Also I have no 4th wall.
"Ahh here we are. Rose do you know why Jack asked for us?"
"No but he probably wants help with something."
"Yeah probably he's a good friend though so I'll help him." I then entered his office.
"Hey John you came." I then sat down.
"Yeah I did what did you need Jack?"
"We're friends right John?"
"Yes is something wrong Jack?"
"No nothing is wrong but I do need your help I think I found a vault."
"Really where?"
"Why not tell Hyperion?"
"Because this could be my key to the top baby."
"Ha I understand then, so what do you need?"
"I send you down there you find the vault clear any threats we claim the treasure I become head of Hyperion and you become my bodyguard."
"So basically I do my job for you and I get a pay rise?"
"Yep so what do you say?"
"We're friends Jack of course I'll help."
"Thank you John you're a good friend."
"You're welcome Jack but I have one condition for my help."
"What is it?"
"A date with Angel."
"You're a good friend and you're willing to risk your life for me. Deal."
"Good doing business Jack. So how am I getting to Pandora?"
"Sorry buddy Moonshot."
"Oh god if I die before I even set a step on Pandora I'll haunt your ass."
"That's fair."
"So when am I going?"
"You have to go now."
"Ugh alright." He then led me to one of the moon shot containers.
"Get in quick." The door then closed I then listened as I was loaded and then shot down to Pandora. There was then a big boom.
"Ugh that landing." I then heard voices, "I think I heard a voice." I got my BFG ready.
"Brick get it open." The door was then ripped off.
"Lilith he has a huge fucking gun aimed at me." I then said, "As long as you answer my questions I won't pull the trigger, First your names. The woman spoke, I'm Lilith, the guy with the sniper rifle and blood raven is Mordecai, the guy in soldier armor is Roland, and the big guy is Brick.

" I set my gun on my back
"Brick head butt."
"Hugh you're on." After we head butted he held his head. "Damn what are you?"
"A cyborg my name is John North. Now am I on Pandora?"
"Yeah what's the box you were in?"
"Moon Shot crate see that giant h shaped structure in the sky?"
"That's Hyperion's moon base it has a supply cannon and that's how I got here."
"Woah that sounds awesome."
"Yeah but the landing was not nice as you saw." Roland then spoke, "Why did Hyperion send you here?"
"They didn't I'm helping a friend of mine named Jack he wanted me to find a vault he believes is here."
"What do you get for helping him?"
"Pay rise and a better boss that's my friend."
"Huh sounds like a good deal."
"It's, and based on your outfits I'm guessing you're vault hunters."
"Perfect can you all stand still?"
"I have an ability that allows me to copy the abilities of people and if we're going to be working together I want to known what I'm working with."
"Wait who said we're working together?"
"I'm looking for a vault so are you, we work together and I see riches and spoils in your future and a shiny new home off this waste land." Lilith said, "What's the catch?"
"No catch but I would like a date with a woman as beautiful as you." She blushed as she said, "Actually keep true to your offer and deal." I then shot a raider in the head.
"Watch your back beautiful."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"So what did you mean by being able to copy our abilities?"
"Exactly what I said so could you all stand still?"
"Why do we need to stand still?"
"My system needs to scan you to learn your abilities."
"Alright Rose commence scan."
"Scanning commenced. Scanning completed integrating new abilities hold on." I then grew to 8 feet tall and blue tattoos spreaded around my body a tattoo in the shape of the zodiac Aries appeared on my back my muscle mass then increased by 100% making me stronger than 100 elephants. Blood then sprouted from my arm creating an eagle with iron armor the wound then healed. I then was covered in heavy plate armor. "Integration complete are you alright John?"
"Never better what do you think Lilith?" I then flexed my arm.
"Marry me."
"Ha Rose make a carrying pack."
"Yes Saint." a pack appeared on my back. (Basically the baby carrying thing you wear that acts like a baby holster size for adults) I then placed Lilith in the pack.
"For if you faint." She then fainted. "Like I said. Ugh, Brick you and Roland stay behind me and cover our back I'll lead." Brick said, "What made you the boss?"
"I'm giving you a home and money and I won the head butt."
"That's fair."
"Alright let's move out."
After getting rid of a few raiders we were stuck with this annoying robot named Claptrap. As he led us to the local town. I said, "Claptrap come here."
"What is it John?"
"I'm going to fix your voice box and give you an upgrade."
"Oh boy." I then made his voice deep and serious and I then removed Hyperion's Ninja.exe and instead put in Vault HunterAssist.exe.
"There how do you feel Claptrap?"
"Amazing sir thank you." I then scanned him which gave me the ability to summon Hyperion bots to my side, the ability to bypass security and it also upgraded my firmware making my powers be multiplied by 2 making me 12 feet tall made my muscle increase another 100% more tattoos spread along my body and an Aries head tattoo appear on my left arm, then my arm split and out came blood that formed a Wolf in iron armor, then after it healed my armor went to Super Heavy plate armor.
"Ahh that's better now keep leading us to the town Claptrap."
"Yes sir." (#I fixed Claptrap)
After killing a few more raiders I knocked on the door and said, "Buzzer's busted can you open the door?"
"All the raiders out there dead?"
"Yeah." The door then opened.
"Thanks for the help name's Dr.Zed I'm the only surviving member of Firestone."
"If you can help us we'll get you to the safest town."
"Deal what help do you need?"
"More what these guys need. Better guns, shields, grenades and mods"
"Why don't you need them?"
"Already have the best." He then finally looked at me.
"Holy crap what are you?"
"Cyborg now can you provide what I've asked for?"
"Yeah but some of those items can be only obtained through tedious quests and grinding."
"Ugh alright what's first?"
"A new battery for my machine there's a machine right out of town but it's by a skag den."
"I'm not wasting bullets on Skags Rose battery please." A battery then digi constructed in my hands. "Thank you." I then placed the battery in the system. When I saw the selection it was pitiful but it's the wastes it's expected but I need my team safe. "Rose activate Hyperion hack."
"Hyperion hack activated. I then placed my hand on the machine after a flash I checked the selection. "Much better." I then grabbed 5 shields. I Placed one on Lilith waking her up and I tossed the boys each one. "There you go boys. Lilith then said, "Where are we?" I pulled her out of the pack and set her down.
"Firestone local town only remaining resident is this man Dr.Zed."
"Oh and what was I doing on your back?"
"You fainted after seeing my upgrade so I carried you." She blushed and said, "Oh thank you."
"Of course beautiful it's the job of a knight to carry a princess." She blushed again.
"What's this thing you put on me?"
"A shield, basically it can absorb damage as long as it has power once it depletes you'll have to take cover and let it recharge."
"Wow thanks."
"You're welcome. Now what else you need Zed?"
"Got a buddy of mine named T.K Baha that lives near here can you check on him and see if he needs help?"
"What's the incentive?"
"I tell Marcus he can open his old shop he has it remotely locked."
"What's inside"
"Ammo/grenade and gun shop."
"Good incentive. Alright we'll check on him"
"Thanks um."
"Thanks John."
"You're welcome." We then headed to the place Zed asked us to go to. Once we were there I saw a guy cradling a shotgun. I then said, "Hey are you T.K?
"Who's asking?"
"Your friend Zed wanted us to check on you and see if you needed help with anything."
"That's kind of him what's your name stranger?"
"John and I have a question are you blind?"
"Yeah I'm how did you know?"
"Black lenses stop your sight from getting worse I can fix your vision for a price."
"How much?"
"18 grenades and 20 bucks."
"Deal if you can do me a favor."
"What favor?"
"Kill some skags and bring them here I need food."
"As you wish but first let's fix your vision. Rose vision repair."
"Vision repair commencing. Vision repair complete."
"Try taking your shades off T.K." He then took of his shades.
"I can see, I can see. I can't believe it. How can I repay you?"
"How about that blue shot gun over there?"
"My wave? Well you did give me my sight and you're getting me food so here. Also a gift for the lady on top of my wife's grave is her old gun Ladyfist she's yours." Lilith said, "Thanks T.K who killed her?"
"I'll make sure to kill any raider I see with her."
"Thanks um?"
"Thanks Lilith that's mighty kind of you." I then said, "Hey T.K do you mind if I combine the Wave and Ladyfist?"
"I want to see the result if you do that."
"Deal." We then headed out killed 10 skags brought them to T.K he gave us the grenades and money then we headed to Doctor Zed. "Hey Doc we found and helped out T.K."
"Thanks John I'll call and tell Marcus to open the shop." I then saw a garage door open and inside was two shop machines I did the hack and handed all of them guns I gave Lilith an all elemental smg. I gave Claptrap two all elemental pistols I gave Brick an all elemental shotgun and rpg. I gave Roland an all elemental assault rifle and rpg Finally I gave Mordecai an all elemental sniper rifle and rpg. Lilith said, Hey Saint why did you give all the guys a second weapon?"
"You'll see why later ok?"
"Thanks Zed anything else you need?"
"The Catch a Ride isn't working can you go see what's up?"
"Catch a Ride?"
"Oh basically a digital constructing car service owned by my friend Scooter."
"Oh I see that can come in handy. Yeah we'll check it out." We went over to the station I saw an audio recording on the sign."
"Hey customer I'm sorry this station is out of service because a certain group of raiders stole the digistruct key, kill them and get the key back and free armed transport for you. "Ha alright." We then went and killed the raiders the boss dropped a gun named Bone Shredder. I decided to hold on to it for Lilith's surprise later. I grabbed the key and reactivated the system. I then used my hack and spawned an 8 person vehicle.

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