Chapter 1. Searching

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**before starting can i just say this was inspired by two of my most favorite authors on wattpad Mochi9988 with my little fox and

pocketbangtan with honey bunny Both are so increadble eventhough the writers have two completely different styles i sugget you pleasseee read them before continuing. Okay thats all let's continue :)**


"OH I'M SO DONE WITH YOUR SH**!" you ferociously scream at your boyfriend of five years before attempting to throw the last peice of object that was at a ten miles radius of your presence.

"Yahhh! That nearly hit me Y/n are you crazy??" he says frantically searching for what ever piece of clothing hes looking for.

"Oh I'll show you crazy!"
You said aggitated at the fact that there was nothing to throw at him anymore. In a rush of rage and pain and fury you burst out into tears. "H-how could you do this to me?" you stumble on your words trying to make sense of the scene you had just walked into moments after arriving home. There you saw the love of your life the man you were suppose to marry and spend the rest of you normal happy life with creating a family and loving eachother till death in bed. With another woman. Naked.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE JIMIN!" you yell with all the power of Zeus himself. In a fit of chaos Jimin got dressed with the girl already dashing out not even ashamed of being half naked in mist of someone elses home. He walked half hesitant half fearful towards the door and turned around with a look of shame and guilt pouring all over his face. "Y/n~shh let me expl-" without letting him finish you slam your door with a big crash. The sound echoing through the walls and your hearts slowly cracking you fell down to the floor leaning on the door for support. The tears couldn't stop flowing down now and with a heavy sigh and a heavy heart you cry yourself to sleep.

The next morning you had woken up feeling absolutely devastated. The trail of events that had occured last night played through your head like a hangover. But you weren't going to let that ruin your saturday so you got up, showered and went for a walk. You hadn't plan on going shopping( or doing anything at all for that matter today)but found yourself paused, poundering infront of a pet store with the words 'HYBRIDS' written in bold blue writing at the top. The thought of getting a pet, yet alone a hybrid had never dared cross your mind despite being a hard working animal lover staff at a hybrid rescue sheltered for abused hyrids called bangtan care.

So you deemed it odd when you found the sudden urge to walk through the door and roam around. Like you where looking for something without even knowing. There were all type of strange mystical like beings around. There was a little girl investing all her energy bitting on a chew toy as she curled her long smooth tail when you had walked past her, her fluffy ears perking up at the sight of a new customer. About where also many varieties of hybrids some that you had never even seen before. Like the boy whith scales that seem to latch on to almost every part of his skin, colouring him a plae creamy shade of blue or the hybrid that had seem to have long flowing heaps of feathers shaped around his back, making him look similar to an angel as one could ever look. But none of them stood out as much as the tall but skinny looking hybrid that had been staring at you since you arrived.

Similar to a husky hybrid he was tall and lean with big flopping ears dropping down against him and a great fluffy tail curing at his back. But he didn't have the normal white fur that was hidden under the ink dark fur on normal huskys. No, not so similarly the inner fur of his tail and ears where a deep fresh minty shade of green . His hair that nearly converd the boaring eyes that hadnt stop gazing at you was also a deep grass feild of green. He looked like he hadnt been properly groomed for months with his overgrown hair and dirty muddy feet nearly shaken due to the unexpected approach of a stranger. You also noticed unlike the others he had been put in a smaller seperate cage with no companion or friend with two dirty bowls that had been emptied out and filled with mold. How could someone leave a person in that situation? You thought to yourself as you stormed to the chashier. It broke your heart to see anything or anyone in pain but especially hybrids. Just because they where different and born with something they cant control doesnt mean society can spit on them like they where less or trash. So you didnt even think about it when you layed you hands aggressively on the counter waking up the lazy chasier that had been asleep the whole time oblivious to a stranger that had just walked in all freely nilly. And took a look back at the husky after the chasier had spewed something along the means of "can i help you ma'am?" to point at the minty green dog almost shaken by the whole ordeal and saying "yes. I'm taking him home"

***924 words***

[PENDING] Fluffy Husky ~ YoongixReader FFWhere stories live. Discover now