Chapter 5. Bear hugs and destiny

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Knocking on the door to Namjoon's house proved to be more irrelevant than predicted because as soon as a certain golden retriever hybrid had heard the contact between your hand and the wooden door all hell broke loose. The air filled with excited barks at the door and repeated chants of "Y/N IS HERE, Y/N IS HERE!" You laughed at the sudden outburst knowing that jin would be overwhelmed with happiness at the sight of yoongi. A chance to make a new friend. As the door opend, before even getting the chance to look at namjoon, Jin had bounced on you like a cat on a mouse giving you slobby licks around your face as a jovial welcome. This made you stumble back and break the link between you and yoongis hands gaining a low threatening growl to escape from the startled huskey. Jin hesitantly stopped his movements startled at the image of green flames blazed on black beady eyes of a now snarling yoongi. His fangs where roaring in the most scary light you've ever seen yoongi in. He had possesively picked you up bridal style to you feet and stood between you and the slighty confused Jin .Why the hell was he so protective? Jin had only given her his normal over the top greetings she had been so accustomed to over years of visiting the dog hybrid but i suppose you could understand it from yoongi's point of veiw. Jin's hug had always seemed more like a bear attack than an affectionate embrace.

You rubbed the back of your hybrids back hoping your calm touch would sooth him and ease the tense situation. It had worked effectively enough as he relaxed his tensed muscles into your touch and had seem to seize fire on the raging growls. You whispered slighty making sure it was only audible to his ears "It's okay baby, Jin's not going to hurt me. He's a friend"  you felt him less defensive at your words but still held him self as a barrier between you and the poor hybrid that seem to be just at the verge of sheding tears. Hybrids were very sensitive and emotional based creatures while our world was full of logic and callousness in nature theirs were a more peaceful and tender race. If not for that you were positive that they would have over powered humanity a long time ago with their supernatural strength and we would be the pets instead. Poor Jin had retreated back into the welcoming arms of Namjoon who comforted and held the shaking puppy of a hybrid. Namjoon took a little look at yoongi and smiled. "You must be Yoongi" he said in a soft welcoming tone. "Please both of you come in."
After a couple of minutes of scolding from both you and namjoon from the unexpected attack jin had so greatfully graced you with knowning perfectly well namjoon had told him not to startle the guest to the even more unexpected way yoongi had so violenty retaliated. No matter how much he tried to act indifferent to things happening around him you could clearly see the look of dismay and regret pouring out of him from hearing you be mad at something he did.  It twisted your heart in a painfully funny way. " I expect you to apologize to both Jin and Namjoon." you said in a stern voice mixed with a hint of sadness. His ears droop as you see small pools of water fall down his face. It twisted a knife through your heart. "Oh come here suga" you couldnt fight the overpowering urge to hug him and in seconds he was wrapped around your arms in a warm embrace.

You had all decided to watch a movie, while namjoon was trying to find a good one to pick, discretely hiding the mario and friends DVD Jin would have surely begged with his puppy eyes to watch again for the thousandth time this week, You had went to the kitchen to make the snacks and bring out the cookies you had bought for them while jin and yoongi had snuggled up togethere in a comfortable position in the couch.  They looked so adorable together with Jin long arms wrapped around yoongi's tiny body. Both tails wagging in the same rhythm hitting the leather fabric of the couch as you brought out all the different plates of food. You and NamJoon had decided to sit next to eachother around the couch but on the floor as to not interrupt the adorable cuddle session taking place that was presently melting your heart away. He wrapped a blanket around both you and him and played the movie.

It was quite a heart wrecking scene. Eugine had just climbed up the tower only to see repunzle bound in chains and an evil step mothers grin welcoming his inevitable doom. Jin had already started digging into yoongi's blanket too scared to be on his own and indecisively kept on looking at the screen or burrying his head into yoongi's chest for a comforting hug. Yoongi had a blank slate on his face as always. But you kept on noticing every now and then he would curl up his tail at a scary scene and take a quick longing glance at you whenever he thought you didnt notice. Namjoon's bored expression made him look like he was reading a book titled 100 different types of ways to knit a scarf, than actually watching the film. Midway he turned around and started talking to you. "So you got a huskey hybrid?" you moved your eyes from the screen to him. "Yeah. But I'm not sure where he originates from. The store keeper wasn't too keen on keeping him." you frown remembering the horrible way they treated him. "Wow. That's rear Y/n. Huskey hybrids are close to impossible to find. Yet alone own."

Namjoon had noticed the confusion painted in you're face and carried on. "You see..." he takes a pause and looks back at yoongi who is currnetly rough housing with a bubbly looking Jin in an attempt to push off his loving embrace."Huskey hybrids are a very special breed. They normally get sold in the black market as slaves for a stupid ridiculous amount of money."

"Because they're much stronger than most hybrids they're used as defense dogs for gangs and criminals involved in hybrid or human trafficing." you stare in complete shock and terror. Looking back at the fuzzy green fluff ball playing tug of war with a cushion you couldnt possibly imagine that would be the twisted sick destiny that was layed out for him. Yoongi. Used as a prop and object for the convinence of sick despicable individuals. They were the real animals in this world. Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach and namjoon pulled you in for a comforting hold. "hey it's okay I didn't mean to scare you like that. Obviously not all people are terrible to hybrids, with me and you as living proof. Namjoon was right. You knew he would much rather pour hot boilling oil on himself and lit himself on fire in a bowl of sharp razors before he dared harm a single hair on his beloved dog hybrid. You feel the exact way for yoongi. He was too precious for you to loose him.


Yoongi had heard the shift in your movement and abruptly stopped whatever game him and Jin where going to play next. Jin being to distracted at the fact he triumph in gaing back the pillow that he hadn't notice yoongi deeply staring at your warm embrace with Namjoon. His body stiffened but his blood boiled with jealousy. He hadnt hugged you like that- yet. So why should the dimple filled man hug you like that first? His body coated with not only green fur, but green envy. A vivid shiny shade on envy.

One miute he was at the other end of the couch enjoying the company of his newly acquainted friend the next he almost nearly bounced his way inbetween you and the dimpley man

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One miute he was at the other end of the couch enjoying the company of his newly acquainted friend the next he almost nearly bounced his way inbetween you and the dimpley man. He clung his arms around your waist and didn't let go. Namjoon felt the stink eye oozing from yoongi a mile away. Getting the message he sends you a sneaky smile and got up to be at Jin's side. Yoongi fell flat on your chest as he curled his thick furred tail around you and whispered.

"Y/n. Let's go home."

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*1432 words*

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