Chapter 17. The green melons

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His heavy pants left footprints on your skin. Completely naked and vunrable, you still try to wrap the cloth around his person. Light moans and curses cascaded along the thin damp walls of your bathroom.
"Ahh... Y/n" He puffs out a hot breath of air, cheeks flushed within a pomegranate of allure. you push it in further.
"Nearly there baby hold on." You sternly thrust, landing a peck on his hot cheeks, trying hard to finish as fast as possible so it wouldn't get too uncomfortable for him.

He was at his limits. The verge of bursting within any given minute."Please..." He painted out in a frustrated moan."I-I can't take it anymore" defeated he throws his head down in sorrow, trying hard to catch back his lost breath. You stiffen then finally letting loose, he breaths out an air of relief, Pain purposely placed on his face.

"OMYGOSH YOONGI IT'S JUST A FLIPPING COSUME!" Hoseok burst out within the walls as the sight of a green scaled monster, sharp in fangs and claws with an undeniably plum round behind peaked out the gap that held the bathroom doors open.

"OMYGOSH YOONGI IT'S JUST A FLIPPING COSUME!" Hoseok burst out within the walls as the sight of a green scaled monster, sharp in fangs and claws with an undeniably plum round behind peaked out the gap that held the bathroom doors open

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"Y'all out here sounding like it's mating seas- OUCH!" Jin appeared behind the narrow man. Dressed out in orange he bared and evil grin on top of his pumpkin head, with the race of a goddess he gracefully removed the contact his pitch fork and Hoseoks butt where entertained in and hops along hoseok to meet the now bed ridden Yoongi.

It has been two months since the incident

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It has been two months since the incident. The fire fighters, and no one else for that matter, could explain what occurred during that night nor why the fire had even started. It all remained an unexplained mystery and when you'd try to cough out some form or explanation or answer from Yoongi he would avoid looking at you in an anticipating fearful smile trying to diverge it to anything else, so you just gave up on asking. You've had no contact from Jimin either. Not that you cared enough to notice, But the words he said during the hospital had occasionally lingered through your mind from time to time."It's you. Me. Or that hybrid." Something unsettling stirred up within you whenever you thought of it. Like someone was coming. Someone dark. That could change the course of your entire life and future with you, and your fluffy husky.

Yoongi had managed to extract his person from the dating claws of Jin
's tight hugs. He was now at the process of cupping you ear in his fragile lips and gently nibbling at the skin he's been so clingy now-a-days, constantly stealing your shampoo and body wash as he claims - he can only calm down if he smells something familiar of you when you are away at work, knowing you'd still come back - even when you attempted to buy him his own separate items he would place them to the side and demanded to use yours with a pout so full of sin even the devil himself couldn't say no.
"Y/n~". He moaned out making it sound like a song instead of a whiney call as he intended it to be. "Why are we all dressed like this?" He complained again fully wrapping his arms and tail around your torso. "Because..." You explained "It's your first Halloween Yoonie!"

"We have to celebrate it!" Finished Hoseok. "How can we not? Its the one day of the year we don't have to completely hide." He stated. "Plus free candy!" Jin yelled at the background to which you chuckled out in a light tone at his gluttony. You turned to him on your bed. "Is namjoon coming?" To which he suddenly froze checks as pink as flamingos, he buried his head within your pillows and shrugged. "I wouldn't know..." He said quietly instantly showing a worn out smile, a weak attempt to cover the sad atmosphere he was emotionally emitting from his form. He slumped his body down and gave into the gravity. Actively avoiding eye contact as he pressed up against the sheets.

"They got into a fight." Hoseok whisper- yelled in your ear. To which yoongi groaned at the proximity. 'Odd.' You thought, Namjoon and Jin getting into an argument is one of the rarest thing to ever exist. The two can't even stay mad at each other for more than half a minute. (Which by the way you've actually timed, and made a mean average for.) It would be weird for them to so suddenly fall out like this. "Do you wanna talk about it?" You said patting down the back of the pumpkin man.
"No. I don't" he gave you a stern serious look, as his eyebrows creased into dull thick lines. "I just want us to enjoy ourselfs" he lightly smiled. Not up to his eyes but good enough to have you convinced. You all packed up the needed baskets and extra pitch fork in case jin needed to look more scarier (or smack the shit out of hoseok again) and everyone was waiting for you and Yoongi to wrap up his cute lamb outfit. It was honestly the sweetest you've even seen this husky. He was tightening up and pressure pushed into his face. "What's wrong?" You asked him worried."oh no is it too tight?" You though frantically pulling out the strings as to not strangle him.

"No it's not that" he calmly stated grabbing both your hands within his and interlocking it. He looked down at the sight and his jello heart wiggled around with pride and joy at the thought of him being the only person to hold you like this. But he wasn't. That was the problem. And there was much more to his story that you didn't know. Dark things, if ever unearth those very things would predict his own downfall and cast him back into his world of loneliness and violence. He could ruin everything. He has before, with Isla.

Distracting him, you placed a peck on his cheek causing the pale skin to surface a warm red. You giggled and held on to his hand.

"It'll be ok yoonie I promise."

He sure as hell hoped you were right.

***Thanks for reading. I purple you all***

*1054 words*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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