Chapter six

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Nilsa's POV

How in the world did I let Seokjin talk me into this? I am standing infront of the main doors of the club. I look long and hard at the sign. I tried to smile. 

It's broad daylight and the parking lot is empty. I'm having serious reservations about what I'm getting ready to do. Seokjin has pestered me about letting him get me a job at the club since he brought me to grab food on Friday night. 

Even though it seems that Seokjin and Jungkook don't get along very well at all, Seokjin offered to bring me by and officially introduce me to his brother. Stubborn idiot that I am, I refused to even consider the job. But now that I think about it, I really dread going back to work on Wednesday .

I'm feeling more optimistic about working for Jungkook. Unfortunately, Seokjin had to leave to go out of town again, so I'm alone. And I'm having second thoughts. Especially since the reason I'm most anxious to stick around town on the weekends is to see more of Seokjin, who is strictly off limits. 

I sigh and shift my weight from foot to foot, debating to go in or not. It's the possibility of seeing more of Jungkook that pushes me in the direction of the door.

I open it and walk into the dark interior. Even in the middle of the day, very little light shines in through the small, high windows.

The bar looks different from the last time I was here. Seokjin said that Jungkook would be here all day, but I'm beginning to think I should've had him set a specific time. I have no idea where to look for him.

My shoes make a hushed flapping sound against my heels as I make my way across the room. I walk to the bar and pull out a stool to sit on, hoping Jungkook is keeping an eye on the place since the door was open.

I nearly swallow my tongue when he pops up from behind the bar. "You look even prettier than I remember"

"Holy mother of hell!" I say, grabbing my chest to still my racing heart.

He laughs. "With a mouth like that, you'll fit right in here."

If I weren't so surprised, I'd probably take exception to that comment. Instead, I laugh.

"You bring out the worst in me. What can I say?"

Hes wearing a black top and black jeans. His usual attire I'm guessing because last time he was wearing black. Its hot though. I try not to think of him as mouth-watering, but that's the word that keeps going through my head.


He puts his elbows on the bar and leans in closer to me. "That's because you haven't given me the chance to bring out the best in you."

His voice is deep and quiet. His brow is arched, much like it was that first night—in a suggestively challenging way. I feel my pulse pick up.

Good God, he's even hotter than I remember!

Somehow, I'd managed to convince myself that he wasn't as appealing as Seokjin, that because he's the bad boy of the two, he's less attractive. Sweet Lord, was I wrong!

"Well, that won't be a problem if I start working for you, right?"

He leans back and smiles crookedly. "Already threatening a sexual harassment suit?"

I frown "What? of course not?"

"Don't back down now! This was just getting interesting."

I exhale. I'm both relieved and a little irritated.

He's teasing me!

"Are you always this evil?"

"Evil?" he asks, his expression innocent. "Me? Nooooo."

With a grin, he plants his hands flat on the bar and lifts himself onto it, throwing his legs over and hopping down right beside me. I actually squeeze my eyes shut for a second in hopes that the vision of his biceps and triceps straining against his smooth skin won't be permanently etched onto my mind. I think I'm too late, though, because it's all I can see on the backdrop of my lids.


"My brother says you bartend, right?"

"I use to"

"Ok cool. The people that come here want to be served as well as entertained. Think you can handle that, too?"

I'm thinking to myself that I don't even know what that means, but my mouth has already moved on.

"Not a problem."

He nods. "Good girl"

He's watching me like he wants to undress me right where we are—in an empty bar with low light and soft music. And there's a tiny part of me that would love for him to do exactly that. 

"Can you come for a shift tomorrow night?" 

"Sure. What time should I be here?"

"Seven. That way Britt can show you the setup before the doors open at nine."

"Sounds good," I say, nodding. Silence stretches between us and I'm at a loss. "Well, I guess I'd better let you get back to your work."

"Aren't you going to ask about money? Jungkook said that you were asking about that?"

"Yes, there is that."

"How about two dollars per hour above what your current employer is paying you?"

My mouth wants to drop open. "Don't you even want to know what that is?"

He makes a face. "Nah. I get the feeling you'll be worth it."

"No pressure there," I mumble.

He laughs again. "Oh, there'll be plenty of pressure. Don't you worry about that. This place is kickin' on the weekends."

"I'll see you tomorrow night. Seven o'clock."

"Should I wear something particular? Or..."

"I'll send some stuff to your house. Size six, right?"

For some reason, knowing he's checked me out so closely that he can estimate my size makes me feel warm in all sorts of places that I shouldn't feel warm.


He winks again then turns around and disappears into a barely visible door at the back of the bar.

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