Carter Chapter 16

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Carter Micheals

I woke up to hearing Rosalie and Alice fighting. 

" No Alice. This dress goes better with those shoes than that shirt! " Rosalie said waving around a blue dress.

" Rosalie! This shirt is beautiful. I think it goes better with the shoes. " Alice said spreading out a purple shirt on a chair. 

" Good morning. " I say trying to stop the two from fighting even more. 

" Good morning. Why don't we let you pick between these cloths which one you want to wear. " Alice said grabbing the blue dress from Rose and setting it next to the shirt. The girls left the room and closed the door. I get up and head towards the cloths. Ugh. Not my style. I would wear them if I had a nice leather jacket to go with them. Hm. What to wear? I look through a box of the girls' old clothes. I found a sweater, jeans, a pretty scarf, and blue shoes. I put the dress and shirt in the box folded. Her outfit for the day dress shirt

I head down stairs. The smell of french toast hits me as I step into the kitchen. Esme and Carlisle are at the stove and counter cooking. 

" Good morning Carlisle and Esme. " I say sitting down watching the couple. 

" Good morning sweetheart. " 

" Morning honey. " 

" Good morning Emmett. " Emmet says walking into the kitchen. 

" Good morning Embear. " He makes a disgusted face. 

" I'm going out with Jasper and Edward. See you. " Emmett says heading out the back doors. 

" Bye. " I give him a small wave. 

" Be back soon. School is going to start in an hour. " Esme says serving me some fresh fruit. 

" Kay. " 

Rosalie and Alice walk into the kitchen and look at my outfit. Their smiles immediatly turn into frowns. " What happened to the dress? " Asks Rosalie. I shrug. 
" I didn't feel like wearing it. " 

" Why didn't you wear the shirt then? " 

" Guys, I would have worn the shirt or dress if their was a leather jacket thrown in their. I didn't feel like wearing them with out the jacket. " I take a bite out of my fruit. 

" I have to go to work. Goodbye. " Carlisle says straightening his white coat. He kisses Esme and heads out. " Bye girls. " 

" Bye Carlisle. "

" See ya. " 

" Bye. " 

The hour passed bye quickly, and the boys returned soon. 

" The boys are back! Your favorite males in the entire world are here. No need to worry any longer. " Emmett says walking into the living room, where us girls were. 

" Worry? We weren't worry about you at all. We were too busy having a party. " I said zipping up my backpack. Emmett sticks out his tongue at me. The boys get changed for some reason. Why they need to change, I don't know. 

" Let's go. " Jasper says grabbing his keys. We head to the cars and get in. I get in with Jasper and Alice. 

At school, everyone watched as I walked into the school with the Cullen's. I glared back at them. I head to math with Emmett. My teacher walks in. " Morning class. We have a new student joining us today. Carter Micheals.  " She sets down her coffee and a boy walks in. 

" Tell us a little about your self Mr. Micheals. " The teacher sits down and looks up at the boy.

" Well, I'm from Las Vegas. I moved here last weekend. I have a dog named Rylan. I have an older brother that lives with my dad. I'm here with my mom. " Carter says a little bored. 

" All right. You can sit wherever you would like. Open your books up to page 231 class. " Carter looks around. He heads toward the back of the classroom. He sits next to me and pulls out his book. I grab my book and turn to the page. The teacher starts talking and loses me half way through the lesson. I sigh in frustration and lean back in my seat. 

" I'm guessing you don't like math. " A voice says from the side of me.

" You guessed correct. It's so hard. I feel like she's speaking another language. " 

" It's not that hard once you understand the lesson. " I look at Carter. He's leaning back in his seat. His notes are filled out. 

I sigh. The bell rings and everyone starts packing up. 

" Madison? Can I see you for a minute? " The teacher asks. I nod and head to her desk. " Madison. Your grades are falling. You need to get a tutor. I can recommend a few student, who can help you if you want. "

 I sigh. A tutor. I can't fail this class. " I'll find someone. Is that all? " 

" Yes. Good bye. " 

" Bye " I leave the room. Who can I ask to help me? 

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