Driving me crazy! Chapter 54

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I. Am. Dying! In these clothes. I can't do anything. I have to be careful not to spill anything on my clothes, or Alice and Rosalie will kill me. 

I can't get my make up messed up. Every once in a while, Alice and Rosalie pull me away from everyone , to fix my make up, or make me wear a new lip gloss.

I have had like three outfit changes so far today. 

I look at Edward. ' Edward. Help. Me. '

He smiles sadly. " Sorry. Nothing I can do. "

' Well find a way to help me. Please! I can't handle another outfit change! '

" Your brave. You can handle it. " 

I glare at my adoptive brother. ' PLEASE!! I'm begging you. I have like, fifty layers of make up on my face. I can't take it anymore! And these clothes! I mean, they are beautiful, especially the pretty blue one. Stop it. Madison. Get your head in the game. Your complaining to to Edward. '

Edward chuckles. 

' Where was I? Oh! My clothes! Yeah, they're pretty, but too fancy for me to be wearing at home. Around you guys. '

" What? Are we not worthy of your fancy clothes? " Edward asks dramatically. 

' Yes. '

" Rude. " 

" What are you guys talking about? " I turn my head to look at who asked the question. Emmett.

Everyone in the living room is looking at us. " None of your bee's wax. Embear. " I look down at my painted nails. 

After a few minutes, Emmett starts to talk again. " You guys can continue to fight or do whatever you were doing a few minutes ago. Your very entertaining to watch. " 

I roll my eyes and fake a smile. " Glad I could entertain you. " 

" I'm bored! " Nessie says sighing. 

" Watch a movie. Or play a game. " Bella suggests. 

" Can I go over to see Jake? " She asks happily. 

" Only if someone goes with you. " Bella smiles Nessie. 

" Okay. Who wants to go with me? " Nessie stands up and looks at all of us. 

I raise my hand, but quickly lower it when I remember, My life is in danger. 

" Yes it is. " Edwards nods. 

I give him the eye. " You can butt out of my head now. " 

He smirks. " But your thoughts are so fun. " He fake pouts

I roll my eyes and lean back in my seat. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Dumb vampires. 

" I am not dumb! " 

' Yes you are. '

" Am not. " 

' You are. '

" Maddie. "

" Edward? " I give him my innocent look. He rolls his eye's.

' I wish Leah was here. '

" Thank goodness she isn't. I can't handle any more of her comments. " Edward says gratefully. 

' Her comments are funny. I wonder what she's doing right now. Maybe I can call her and invite her over. '

" No! Don't! Please. I don't want the house to smell like mutt all day. " 

' Don't be mean! Leah's my friend. '

" It's true. "

' What can I do to annoy you. '

" Nothing sweet heart. You can't annoy me. "

' Ah. I know. Edward. Edward. Edward. Oohh. EEEEDDDWWWAAARRRDD!  '

" Stop. Please. You sound terrible. " Edward crinkles his nose. 

" I sound beautiful. "

I hear chuckles echo around the room. I open my eyes to see every one watching us in amusement. " It's very rude to listen in on conversations. "

Everyone looks away and I start singing my version of a Mulan song.  

" I wanna be like other girls. Climb up a tree like other girls, but I can't cause I'm stuck in this. " I pull at my dress. " Just to be free like other girls get to be. And not be forced to wear dresses and change every five minutes. " I look around and see everyone looking at me once again. I bow in my seat. 

I look back up to see people holding in their laughter. I glare at Emmett, and send a silent death wish. I imagine Emmett in a dress wearing make up and a tiara. 

I smile and Edward laughs. I glare at him for reading my thoughts, and imagine him in a purple tutu and wearing a huge bow in his hair with make up on his face. He stops laughing and glares at me. I shrug and act innocent. 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now