Maddie! I need help! Chapter 49

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Hey guys! Thanks for your votes and comments. Thanks Nickelback_rocks for following me. Tell me what you all think about my book! I would love to hear from you. Have a great day! - N


It's 3 in the morning. 

The rains pounding on my windows. The sky's pitch black. Howls of wind ring through my room. 

My bed stand lights up. My phone rings waking me up.

" Hello? " I say in a groggy voice. 

" Maddie! I need help! " 

My eye's widen, and feet hurry up the stairs.

" What's wrong?! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I get up and pull my hoodie closer to me.

" Someone's in my house. I'm in my car. I got out through the basement window. My mom's still in the house! I can't go back in! " Fear laced my friends voice. 

The Cullen's step into my room. 

" Please Maddie. I need help! " 

" Isn't there a shape shifter there to help you? Do you have anything you can use to defend yourself until I come? " I panic. I pull on my shoes.

" No. I don't know where the shifter is. " He gasps and a screams heard in the background. The phone moves around, and  feet can be heard running. 

" Carter! Carter! " I yell into the phone. 

The running stops and leaves rustle. " Where are you Carter? Carter! Please answer me!!!! " 

" Maddie! " Carter pants into the phone. " I, I'm by a small abandoned house in the woods. We past it when we went to your house remember. " He pants. " My, my mom. I, I thinks she's hurt. " 

Carlisle takes the phone from me. " Wait right there Carter. We're coming to get you. Stay on the phone okay? " 

He gestures for Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward to follow him. I grab onto Jasper's shirt. " I want to come! He's my friend! He needs me. " Tears of worry prick my eye's. 

Jasper smiles softly and turns around. " You need to stay here. It's not safe. We'll bring him back. Don't worry. " 

I let go of his shirt and sat down on my bed. I grip my bed comforter tightly. 

" He's going to be okay Madison. " Bella sits down next to me. 

" I know, I'm just worried. What if he gets hurt? What if he dies? " I frown down at my lap. 

Esme rubs my back. " Don't think like that. He's going to be okay. We need to be patient. Carter will be okay. " 

I nod and look at my door. He'll be here soon. He'll be okay. Everything will be alright. 

" Why don't you try to get some sleep. " Esme turns on a light and picks up my comforter. 

" I''m wide awake. " I'm going to pay for this later. 

" Do you want to go downstairs with us then? Or wait up here. " Bella stands by the door. 

" I'll go with you guys. "

" Okay! You can help me plan your party! " Alice smiles and starts talking about lights and dresses and make up. And thing I didn't even know existed. 

" Uh, yeah, uh, sure. " I have no idea what I'm agreeing to. 

" You have know idea what I'm talking about do you Maddie. " Alice says folding her arms.

" All I heard was dresses, make up, and lights. " 

She frowns and we go downstairs.

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now