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Harry's father reacted to the absence of the Labour Room girls just as I had expected. Not well.

After Harry phoned down to him, he was quick to come storming up to the office, as he took the file and left. I knew exactly where he'd headed and exactly the repercussions that the absentees would have to face. This had left me feeling even more guilty and sorry for the girls, therefore resulting in Harry trying to convince me further that telling his father was what had to be done. I eventually agreed, letting the subject drop but inside, I was still sickened by the thought of what was going to happen. I was also left curious as to the real reason why the girls weren't here for I knew there was something to it.

Such events meant that when I entered the Labour Room the next day I was not surprised to see the girls who had been absent yesterday. They had returned and looked even more frail and bruised than usual.

I quickly approached one of the girls upon arrival. Even though I stood fully in front of her, her head did not move to meet mine as she concentrated on making clothes, presumably for other Lower Half kids in the Halfway Point.  "Are you okay?" I asked.

She heard my question, but as she replied she still did not look at me. "Yes."

"You can talk to me. I'm one of you."

"N-no," she stuttered. "There's cameras everywhere in here." Of course there was. I don't know why I hadn't thought of this before, if there was hidden cameras in Harry's office there'd obviously be some in here.

"They don't watch them 24/7 and we're still allowed to talk," Mya Rose suddenly spoke up from behind the girl.

"No," the girl replied.

"Just ignore her. It's fine Felicity," Mya insisted.

"Okay," I hesitate. "So what's going on?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" she replied.

"Why has no one been here? I know you know."

She just looked at me and chuckled. "Come on Felicity. Half the Labour Room was empty, of course there's a reason." Her words were humoured yet mimicking, leaving me feel a little awkward.

"Then tell me why," I spoke. She looked thoughtful for a moment before she turned her head.

"Girls gather round!" she shouted. This room was full of at least 100 girls, leaving me confused at her request. When only 5 came forward however I realised she had been summoning what must be her 'friends', if you could even call them that here.

They gathered around the small worktop of Mya's, each of them smiling at me awkwardly. "I'm Bianca," one of the girls spoke. She then introduced me to the other four, "This is Lucy, Abbie, Eva and Daisy." I greeted them and they were friendly enough in return.

"So. Here's the deal," Mya began. "We're planning a rebellion." Her confession was surprising but I had my suspicions, especially after she briefly mentioned the topic once recently and then brushed past it.

"A rebellion?"

"Yes. We can't live like this any longer Felicity."

"I know," I agreed. "But, aren't you afraid what could happen to you?"

"We know the risks but we want to anyway. We have to."

"Okay. Well I promise, I'll keep it a secret. Now if you'll excuse me." I turned to walk away and do what I was supposed to but Mya had other ideas.

"That's the thing though Felicity. We want your help." What?

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes. Felicity, if we can get you to help we could take this rebellion far." Her proposition was tempting, for rebelling against this and getting away from such horrid demands would be the most wonderful thing in the world and I wished for nothing more but it would be too hard.

"I-I don't know."

"Come on. You know you want to, if we can do this, then things will change for us. For you," she tried to convince me but I still wasn't sure.

"It's too risky," I argued.

"I think it's worth the risk Felicity. Plus, I'm sure you want to get back at whoever it was that shot your brother," she spoke stunning me. Zac. How did she know about that?

The confusion on my face obviously made her feel a little anxious as she shifted uncomfortably. "How do you know about that?" I asked annoyed.

"We all know about it. Everyone knows everything when it comes to the Lower Half," one of the other girls, Abbie, pitched in. "How is he doing anyway?" she continued.

I remained silent for a minute, suspicious about the girls who stood before me. I answered anyway though, despite feeling I may regret it. "He's not good. No better, no worse."

"Oh. Well we hope he recovers," Lucy commented.

"Thanks," I muttered quietly.

Mya was sudden in asking her next question. "So Felicity, are you on board?"

"Well.. how do you suggest we do it?" I asked curiously.

"We aren't sure. We need as much support as possible, strong support in particular which is why you would be so crucial. They think you're important, that's why you work with Harry."

"I suppose," I replied. They had a point but the thought of being so crucial to something like this felt a little daunting.

"The best way to do it is to have them begin to think that we aren't going to step out of line. Then we'll spring it on them by surprise," Bianca spoke.

"That doesn't explain why everyone was absent though?" I wondered aloud.

"We were trying to do it, like a strike. Simply refusing to come, but that obviously backfired."

"Okay then, but surely to make it work we need the whole of the Halfway Point to rebel, maybe even the whole of the Lower Half," I noted.

They looked at me inquisitively. "That's true. See Felicity we need you, now are you with us?"

"Yes," I answered a little hesitantly. I may regret it but it was an appealing idea.

"What we need first of all is more people on board," the girl Daisy said.

"I'll spread the word around the room," said Mya.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked. Mya turned to look at the four other girls and they all made an acknowledging look at one another.

"Well there is one person who you could convince, who could also help us a lot," she said.

"Who's that?" I asked.

She sent me a little smile. "Harry, if you get him on board then with you and with us too, we can take this place down."

I was shocked. To them Harry was just an upper half worker, just as nasty as any of the others. And why did they assume I could get him to side with us? I could only hope that they did not know something was going on with Harry and I.

I brushed these thoughts away however, adamant they wouldn't know anything. I know they couldn't.

"Harry?" I reconfirmed.

"Yes Harry Styles."

"Okay," I agreed reluctantly, but hopeful. If I was going to be part of any sort of rebellion he was the perfect person to help me out.

A/N: Sorry it's boring and a bit rubbish but I updated quickly. Yay! I hope wattpad notifies you, it's been doing weird things lately.

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