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"Wh-what?" I asked Harry, surprised by his sudden statement that he would help.

"I'll help." He shrugged. I looked at him confusedly which he took note of as he began to explain further.

"I know yesterday I said no," he began, "And I still think that it isn't the best idea, and I still stand by what I said about my father. But I thought about it overnight and realised how understandable it is that you would want to do this. Equally, I see why you want me to help. When I had these thoughts I didn't want to come in here and say I'd help so suddenly if I'm honest, but seeing you so hurt, and so angry makes me want to help and makes me want to prove to you that I care."

Whilst kindness laced his words, they made me feel a little guilty. "Harry," I said, squeezing his hand. "I don't want you to help because you feel you have to."

"I'm not. I'm doing it because I want to."

"But you just said even after reconsidering, you still wouldn't have come and told me you'd changed your mind," I argued.

"Yes but that's before now. I don't know, something just changed in me seeing you so frantic before, it makes me see so many reasons to help."

"Harry I-"

"No, listen to me Fliss. I want to help. It's risky but I want to help because I want to help you, and Zac and your mother."

I sighed, "Really?"

"Yes, really. It won't be easy but I see that it's worth it." I considered all of this for a moment and the fact that he was now willing to help and admitting it was because he wanted to help me was very promising and very flattering. I couldn't just let this slide now.

"Okay. Then, thank-you," I whispered.

"Hey, there's no need to thank me," he replied. He pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly. His embrace providing me as much comfort as usual.

"Just one thing though Fliss," he spoke causing me to pull away slightly. "Don't trust those girls down there too much. I just find it a little odd that they asked you to get me to help, if they were as kind as you think surely they'll have made sure this was all kept away from the likes of me." He had an extremely valid point, causing me to be a little suspicious of Mya Rose and her friends but no so much so I lost trust in this rebellion.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Good," he replied, before pecking my nose. "Now let's go and sort this all out."

"Wait. What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, let's go down to the Labour Room and tell them I'm on board," he chuckled at my awkwardness.

"Oh okay."

With that, I followed him out of the room and we walked down the corridors to the Labour Room.

"Your hair looks nice today," he randomly stated. I had it down today, most days I had to wear it up as insisted by Veronica but today I just gave up and left it natural.

"Thank-you," I blushed. "Veronica tells me to wear it up but I don't like it."

He stopped in his steps and turned to me, scrunching his nose and poking his tongue out. "Ignore her, she doesn't know what she's talking about. I think it looks beautiful," he expressed, somewhat playfully as he took the ends of my hair into his fingers and gave it a flick.

I laughed at him. "Oh shut up, let's do what we should be doing."

He was then the one laughing at me, "I don't think we should be doing this Felicity," he used my full name to emphasise his point. "I don't think planning rebellions is in the rule books," he whispered, eyeing his surroundings.

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