Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

Pulling her white suitcase along with her, she walked out of the glass doors of Taiwan Airlines. Luna breathed out a hot breath, she immediately felt the cold air hit her face when she walked out. The sun was no where to be seen, it was a cold and cloudy day at Taoyuan.

She had just landed twenty five minutes ago and she was just waiting to call a cab to head to the train station to go to Taipei, she was going to her apartment first before going to her office to fix some paperwork. She rubbed her pale hands together as she forgot to wear some gloves.

She put her hands inside her coat and waited for a cab to drive by. But then she saw a familiar figure, standing a few feet to her left. She blinked, what was he doing here? She thought that he was going to be at L.A. since that was where his home and family was.

She debated on whether to talk to him or not, seeing as how he had a face mask and cap on, she knew that he didn't want to draw attention.

While Luna was thinking to herself, Mark was already on his way towards her. He recognised the pastel hair flowing under the white beanie that the young girl was wearing. Along with her soft purple cozy coat, she had black leggings on with white rubber shoes.

"Hi." Mark greeted her in English.

Luna turned her head in surprise but quickly smiled at the older guy in front of her.

"Hello." She bowed in respect, she knew that it was a respectful culture in Korean.

"So, you're Taiwanese?" Mark questioned, switching to Mandarin.

"Yes, I am." Luna smiled, replying in fluent Chinese.

"You're here to see your family?" Mark was curious because he was surprised to see her here at the same time, at the same place. They probably missed each other on the plane.

"Ah no, I'm here for work." She said, still smiling softly.

Mark raised a brow, it wasn't new for him to work during the holidays. But what was she doing, working a week before Christmas?

"Oh, is that so? What do you do?" He asked, he wanted to know more about this girl. He was interested after all. Maybe Jackson was right to be curious about her.

"I'm a psychologist. I have a new patient here." Something flashed in her eyes when she said that, but it disappeared quickly.

Mark noticed, so he didn't press any further but only nodded at her reply. He knew being a psychologist was hard. She looked young too, he wondered how her journey was to become a psychologist that had to work even on holidays.

Silence filled the air as both were still waiting for a cab. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, in fact they both enjoyed it as they watched other people trying to call for a cab too.

Finally, Mark had managed to call a cab. He turned to look at Luna, who also had just got a cab too.

"I didn't get your name." Mark said, as the driver took his suitcase from him.

"It's Luna, but call me Lùlù." Luna smiled, Lulu was her Chinese name. She was helping the driver put her suitcase in the trunk of the car.

"Do you have WeChat? I'll add you." Mark smiled at her as the driver was putting his suitcase into the trunk of the car.

"Oh yes I do have, but are you sure?" Luna asked, furrowing her brows. She was just another fan, why would Mark want to add her? Her curiosity got the best of her, she had wondered why this world wide famous idol wanted to stay in touch with someone like her.

Don't get her wrong, I mean she felt lucky enough that they were talking normally. What more if they continue and become friends? But then again, she remembered a certain someone as well.

"Yeah, I'm sure the others would love to finally know you. Especially Jackson." Mark chuckled at the thought of Jackson yelling in excitement once he tells him that he had met her and got a way to contact her. He knew the younger boy was curious and interested in her, he wanted to stop the questions running around in the back of Jackson's mind.

Luna tilted her head a bit, she was curious what he meant by that but gave her id at WeChat anyways.

Mark had added her successfully and said, "Let's keep in touch."

She smiled at that and nodded, but she doubt they would talk for long. After all, he was a busy idol and she was just one in a million fan they met.

They waved goodbye and got in their respective cabs, both going different ways. Hoping that they would see each other again. After all, it's not a coincidence anymore if they met for more than twice.



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