Chapter 23

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Third Person's POV

Jackson sat quietly on Luna's couch, he let his eyes wander around the living room. He wasn't surprised at how neat it looked but the fact that there was a bulletin board on one wall left him curious and slightly amazed.

Polaroid pictures were pinned on it and there were some small notes attached to some pictures. He also saw a small drawing of two girls, he wondered if she had a best friend. There was also a younger Yoongi and Luna together.

Jackson snapped out of it when Luna put a plate of apple and oranges on the coffee table in front of him. Luna smiled at him before returning to the kitchen to pour water for Jackson.

"So, did Mark said anything about when they're arriving?" Luna said while pouring the water.

"Ah, Mark hyung said they'll be here in about twenty minutes." He replied before taking a piece of apple.

Luna hummed in reply and grabbed the two glasses before heading towards the couch and place it on the coffee table. She sat down beside Jackson and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Jackson immediately asked when he heard the sigh.

"Oh, nothing's wrong. I just have a bad feeling about something but maybe that's just me." She explained with a slight frown but shrugged it off.

"Ah well, I was just wondering about that wall over there." He pointed towards the bulletin board Luna had.

"Oh, that's my bulletin board. I have one in all of my apartments. I put up pictures, drawings and some small notes from friends or co-workers. Just for the memories, you know." She smiled while looking at it, she never took down anything on there.

Jackson nodded and stared at some more pictures, he noticed a younger Luna with purple hair smiling at the camera with her arm around another girl.

Another one was where she had short turquoise hair and she was grinning at the same girl beside her who was smiling at the camera happily.

But what caught his eyes was Luna kissing the girl's cheeks and this time her hair was silver and long. The girl however, never changed her wavy brown hair. He blinked and somehow his mind jumped to conclusions.

"You... are you lesbian?" Jackson blurted out without thinking but that's just how he is. Jackson asks things out of the blue but sometimes he says sorry after asking.

Luna choked on the water she was drinking, she was surprised that Jackson had asked such a question. She coughed and tried to calm down.

Jackson winced and patted her back, trying to help the poor girl. He felt bad and embarrassed that he asked a question that was slightly offensive but he didn't mean it in a bad way.

When Luna finally calmed down and breathed heavily, she turned to look at Jackson with her eyebrows furrowed. She wasn't sure why he asked that but it sure surprised her.

"Uhm, why do you ask?" She asked slowly.

"Oh, I just see a lot of pictures with you and a girl. You looked quite happy and close so I just..." He trailed off when he saw Luna's amused look.

"And you didn't think that she was a close friend?" She chuckled at him.

"Oh, sorry was she a close friend? I'm sorry I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions there, it's just that there's a lot of pictures of you two so I just assumed that-"

"It's okay Jackson, I understand but yeah she's not a close friend." She softly said before letting out a soft sigh.

"She was my ex girlfriend." She said, avoiding his eyes. Although she knew Jackson wasn't homophobic but she was still scared.

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