Chapter 32

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Third Person's View

There are some times where you're in need of complete silence and just process things for a moment. Maybe with somebody by your side just in case you need comfort, even if it meant that you had to show your weakest side in front of them.

Luna's heart felt extremely heavy and hurt as she watched her mother sob in front of her. Both of them were sitting on the couch, with the dogs watching them quietly. She had her hands on her shoulders, rubbing them in order to calm her broken mother down. It was slightly working but her mom would cry even louder at the sight of her now only daughter, crying along with her.

"Mama, please calm down." Luna pleaded as she wiped her tears away with one hand and the other stayed on her shoulder.

The woman in front of her started to take deep breaths and soon her sobs quiet down. Sierra, Luna's mother, will never ever forget the pain she's feeling today. She will always be able to feel the heavy and agonizing pain in her chest as she remembers the death of her daughter.

Tissues were scattered on the glass coffee table and pillows had fallen off the couch. Alfie and Vera had lied down by the couch, whimpering slightly at the sight of their owner crying and the sounds of her weeping.

The sun was starting to rise and birds were chirping outside the window. It was another day starting, it made Luna think that life goes on even when something tragic happens. She was just afraid to acknowledge it, knowing she will take so long to feel okay again.

Sierra had finally stayed quiet and breathing calmly. Luna gave her tissues to wipe her tear stained cheeks. Her mother took a deep breath and sat properly, grabbing Luna's hands and squeezing them.

"I-I'm sorry, I just remembered your sister when I saw you." She whispered quietly, closing her eyes and leaned against the couch.

"I know, it's okay. There's nothing to be sorry about."

The both of them stayed quiet for a while, listening to the birds outside and watching the sunlight dancing through the curtains.

"I have to tell you what happened, Luna."
Sierra spoke up, breaking the silence between them and looking at her daughter.

Luna nodded at her mother's words, she was mentally preparing herself for what was about to come. She wasn't sure what to think, was she sick? Or did she get into an accident? What exactly happened to Violet?

"Violet was on her way home from the university, it was late and I was waiting for her as usual. But she was later than usual so I called her, she didn't answered though. I thought that maybe she was walking so I sent her a text." Her mother took a deep breath before talking again.

"One hour later I received a call from the police, she-" Sierra choked on her sobs again and tears were starting to form which made Luna frowned and tried to calm her down.

"She got hit by a stray bullet that came from a bank that was being robbed and police were there, it was a block away from the route where Violet usually take. Turns out someone shot a gun and Violet was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time."

Luna shut her eyes close and put her head into her hands, she began sobbing loudly and she finally let everything out. An accident that wasn't even exactly an accident. How could life be so unfair and cruel to her? To Violet?

Sierra let the tears dropped and only sniffed as she was too tired to cry anymore, seeing her daughter like that made her heart break even more. At the moment, she knew she wanted to see her husband and just seek for his comfort. But even her husband couldn't handle the pain of losing his child and thus locked himself alone in their room.

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